Heretic - Drencrom - The Parallel - Adrian Marcato - Extreme Haunt - Haunted House - Horror Simulation - Haunting


Heretic is one of the most extreme immersive horror experiences–centered on strong narratives, intelligent themes, and unmatched physical situations. Sexual tones, brutal aggression, and intense situations should be expected. Adrian Marcato.

  • Extreme Immersive Horror (EIH)
  • Los Angeles/Vegas/UK/Switzerland
  • Individual Show with Group Sections
  • Simulated Rape; Nudity; Gore
  • Simulated Torture; Claustrophobia
  • Brutal aggression and physicality

For information on any upcoming Heretic experiences, please scroll down or check our events page, map, or calendar!


More on H E R E T I C

H E R E T I C is an underground horror simulation, and it doesn’t get much more real than this. The ideas are genius—follow a killer as he commits murders, join a documentary crew infiltrating a dangerous cult, be transformed through body modification, stay overnight in an isolated cabin in the woods—and Adrian Marcato (the creator) is not afraid to take risks. These risks have generated some of the most beautiful haunts, but also some of the most extreme. Heretic horror houses can sometimes border on the thin line that separates a haunt from torture. This is not for the faint of heart, and definitely not for those who are uncomfortable with heavy aggression. But if you can handle it, there is definitely genius and true art buried within.

H E R E T I C  began in 2012 as an underground experiment that creator Adrian Marcato started as a brutal and very real abusive experience. Three friends were instructed by Adrian Marcato to really inflict pain and draw blood in order to push past the boundaries of what is expected from a traditional haunted house. In 2013, the structure of H E R E T I C changed into a sequence of episodic nightmares that 7 test subjects entered. The response was positive and the following simulation introduced new clients and word of mouth began to spread.

H E R E T I C was never created to make any money, support any religion or charity. There is no association with Halloween–only pure underground Horror.  There is nothing like this experience as it constantly changes it’s format. But make no mistake, it is extremely intense and unforgiving in its brutality.

Previous shows include:

HEX: Enter a sleep clinic to face your nightmares in a blood-soaked bed that hosted a real-life murder. Take a sleep aid, let it enter your system and then get tucked into bed while your nightmares torment you. Exit covered in blood, scratches, and bruises.

VANISH: If you’ve ever wanted to escape your past and vanish, seek out Mr. Sloth and his girls at a seedy hotel in Hesperia. He will send you to the house of the Devil in which you will face your demons–the sins of your past. If you survive that, you will be stripped of your clothes in a 28-degree desert, be wrapped in darkness, and be ready to be transformed into a new person.

ISO/DREAD: If you are claustrophobic, this is not the show for you. Enter increasingly smaller and smaller spaces, until you are placed in a body bag and buried alive. Not for the faint of heart.




Current Month


Los Angeles Halloween Season 2018 Haunt Guide


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So however you like your news being delivered, we have something haunting for you. Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato Adrian Marcato

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