E3W Productions, Immersive Horror, Los Angeles, CA


Drawing on their love for ghost stories and the horror genre, E3W Productions strive to explore the nuanced textures and human complexities behind even the scariest of stories, presenting tales of love, loss, and horror in richly detailed, captivating ways.

  • E3W Productions
  • Los Angeles area
  • Site-specific Immersive Experiences
  • Small group shows
  • Light to no contact (no aggressive contact)
  • Narratively-driven with evocative themes
  • Non-horror, but eerie with tense moments

For information on any upcoming experiences, please scroll down or check our events page, map, or calendar!


More on E3W Productions

E3W Productions, formed in 2017 by three talented immersive theatre fans, has gone above and beyond in expanding the potential of this thrilling genre. With their In Another Room series, they have redefined the haunted house story with a beautiful, emotional sense.  E3W has made a name for themselves with incredible, impossible set design, transforming seemingly ordinary spaces into the extraordinary. Their productions are amongst the finest that the Los Angeles immersive theatre community has to offer.

In Another Room (2017): A site-specific immersive play in which guests wandered the upstairs floor of a purportedly haunted house in Los Angeles, coming face to face with various souls that have lived, died and suffered tragedy within its rooms. With only 3 audience members admitted into the house at a time, the show was an extremely intimate experience that explored the notion of ghost stories and what is left behind from a life already lived.

From the Haunting review:

In Another Room is a ghost story, but far from a traditional one. As E3W Productions’ first foray into immersive theater, they have done something truly remarkable: they have managed to capture a true and harrowing series of emotions without abandoning a dark undercurrent. Through a remarkable use of space, the ongoing and welcome use of musical cues for story beats, and strong acting, In Another Room provides an evocative and unique glimpse into tragedy. This is not a haunted house. This is a house that leaves you haunted.”


In Another Room (2018): A second chapter of the hit 2017 production, borrowing from The Haunting of Hill House to create a Christmas story filled with sorrow, pain, and impeccable beauty.  Small groups entered a house that was about to be destroyed to discover the lingering and terrifying memories therein.

From the Haunting review:

In Another Room, in its second iteration, continues to tug at the curtains of reality, blending horror and whimsy together in a style that’s become unique to E3W Productions.  Once again, the depth of scene in each part of the house is emphasized in stunning detail by the impeccable set design.  These rooms are old, groaning against their walls with the weight of not just the lives lived within them, but all the deaths that followed in their wake.  The spaces E3W creates are so intricate that they exist in a perfect sense of hyper-reality; they are at once impossible and so, so real.”


Bitter At the End (2108): E3W again brought you face to face with death, this time fracturing it through the lens of the seven deadly sins to explore the different ways in which we struggle against loss and process grief. With only 7 audience members per time slot, ‘Bitter at the End’ was an achingly intimate experience that dove deep into a striking, strange, and surreal world of sorrow and asked the questions: What are we left with at the end of a life? And what can we take, if anything, from death?

From the Haunting review:

Bitter at the End, E3W’s sophomore production, takes the themes of loss and death found in their first show, In Another Roomand transport them from the supernatural to a stark reality.  A piece in four chapters, you arrive at Grace’s wake and shift with discomfort as her fractured family squabbles and grieves angrily at her loss. The instant sensation that we, as guests, are desperately out of place, almost voyeurs, instills the wake with an awkward tension that only serves to sharpen the pain of Grace’s sudden passing, and the ripple effect it has caused amongst her loved ones. But the wake is merely the set up for what happens after, what’s literally after death.  You are abruptly shifted from the wake into an increasingly dark journey that continues for the remainder of the play.  Grace is gone, not yet forgotten, though perhaps that is not a blessing. Grace stands, turning and turning as memories swirl around but never touch her, a brief contact with the rest of the living.  Eye contact from Grace’s family comes sudden and steady to participants. It’s uncomfortable. It should be. You’re witnessing the sorrow, rage, confusion, the intimacy of death. You’re connected to Grace, yet completely outside her family. You shouldn’t be here, but here you are.”


Visit E3W Productions on their website for advance notice of their next performance.




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