Candle House Collective - Last Candle ARX - Evan Neiden - Immersive Storytelling


Candle House Collective produces on-going immersive experiences that engage audiences via innovative methods with a heavy focus on intimate, personalized stories and experiences.

  • Accessible to anyone world-wide
  • Partake at your own pace with an individualized experience
  • Highly personalized with agency to change narrative
  • Interactions via community forum, Instagram, and/or phone calls
  • Meaningful, exploratory, and surreal
  • No in-person events…. yet

For information on any upcoming experiences, please scroll down or check our events page, map, or calendar!


More on Candle House Collective

Candle House Collective is the creation of Evan Neiden. Their mission is to engage participants with personal and innovative methods of immersive storytelling, with a focus on intimate, customized experiences. They aim to create unique, interactive environments that make up the difference between the real and the imaginary, exploring the liminal relationship between humanity and storytelling.  These stories ask questions of the audience that they don’t have the time or the right to ask themselves, and further, hold a space in which audiences can these questions can be explored amidst the intimacy and surrealism of humanity.


Previous Experiences:

lastcandlearx: lastcandlearx is best described as a sentient radio drama with a memory of and unique relationship with each person who tuned in. In more technical terms, it was an entirely remote, experimental fusion of immersive theatre and alternate reality game, transpiring over phone calls, emails, and instant messaging. While starting off as a simple retelling of the Princess and the Frog, lastcandlearx evolved into a series of experiments taking place at a mysterious Asylum. Participants could choose to interact only with the fairy-tale aspect or dive into the full narrative via the Slack forums.

Crossed Wires: Crossed Wires achieved over three days what some grander remote immersive experiences fail to do in months: establish and maintain a genuine emotional connection between participant and performer. I found myself constantly thinking about the Lost Soul, Maxwell, Olivia, and Andy; their rage and sorrow and indignity coursing through me like static as I listened. Running like a thick current through all of this was the creative mind of Evan Neiden—his talent for storytelling and emotional engagement is simply unmatchable. Candle House Collective’s sophomore outing is an extremely hopeful sign of things to come. The delicate blend of believable drama and the slightest tinge of horror makes their productions accessible on a broad scale to the immersive and theatre community as a whole. I left this experience with a greater understand of my own purpose—a remarkable feat for a series of phone calls.

moonlight serenade: Billed as “a bedtime story,” moonlight serenade was the third remote, call-based alternate-reality experience (ARX) produced by Candle House Collective, and their second to be entirely contained within a three-day period. This approach allowed s for the escape into fantasy that’s integral for an ARX’s success without placing too high a demand on the participant’s time – making this an experience that’s easily accessible to nearly anybody…even those immersive fans who “don’t do ARXs.” moonlight serenade was Candle House Collective’s most complex concept to date. Exploring some deeply emotional themes through a broad array of connections, participants experienced three fairly lengthy calls on each day of their experience, bolstered by occasional text messages. But don’t let the fact that this was over the phone mislead you. Like any good piece of immersive theater, moonlight serenade required its participants to be fully engaged, something that you may find difficult to do, depending on where you are during your calls. It’s recommended that they be received in private – a good suggestion, as all of them will find you opening up about subjects that others within earshot may find strange, provocative, or even worrying.




Current Month



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