Transportive, Interactive Playgrounds for Adults


Immersive Theater: An experience where the traditional focus of theater – narrative, character and theme – are revealed through direct sensory input and a design that surrounds the audience.

Immersive theater is a specific style of event that transforms theater into something tangible. It erodes the barrier between audience and actor while maintaining the same goals of traditional theater. It is evocative, transportive, and essentially, an adult playground.



Browse the company guide below to find immersive companies that might interest you. Scroll to the bottom to find our intensity guide.

There are numerous sub-genres of immersive theater, depending on its style and structure. This ranges from fully interactive with agency to impacting the narrative to non-participatory experiences set in an old mansion. They can be linear, multi-track, or sandbox (wander anywhere, follow anyone). But despite all these various formats, immersive theater is theater, and thus generally falls in intensity ranges between 0 and 3. When they move beyond that, they begin to fall in the immersive horror realm.

Haunting Company Directory - Immersive Theater Extreme Haunts Haunted Houses Entertainment Horror
The 49 Boxes - Magic - Thayer - Michael Borys - Alex Lieu - Immersive Escape Room with Magic
ABC Project Annie Lesser Immersive Theater Covell Barbershop Apartment 8 Distillery Elevator
The Art Department, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA
The Society - The Boanthropic - Ongoing immersive Experience - ARX
Candle House Collective - Last Candle ARX - Evan Neiden - Immersive Storytelling
Capital W - Immersive Theater
Ceaseless Fun, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA
Coact Productions - Immersive Theater - Stylized
Epic Immersive - San Francisco - Large Scale Immersive Experiences - Steve Boyle
Firelight Collective, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA
The Great Company, GreatCo, Great Co, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA
Metaforyou, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA
Meyer2Meyer Entertainment House of Spirits The Bite LA Rated R Speakeasy Immersive Theater Company Meyer 2 Meyer
Optika Moderna - Immersive Theater San Diego Waking La Llorona
Punchdrunk, Immersive Theater, UK, China, New York,
Rogue Artists Ensemble - Immersive Theater - Mixed Media - Culturally Inclusive - Los Angeles - Kaidan Project
Scout Expedition Co, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA
The Speakeasy Society, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA
Spy Brunch LLC, Logo, Full Zide
Stash House
They Played Productions - Erik Blair - Immersive Theater LARP - Justine - Captivated
Third Rail Projects - Then She Fell - Ghost Light - Immersive Theater
Walk the Night, Full Image, Logo
Whisperlodge ASMR - Video - ASMR - Melinda Lauw - Immersive Experience

*Please click on each image for more information!

Haunting Intensity Rating Scale - Immersive Theater Extreme Haunts Haunted Houses Entertainment Horror