Horrorland - Illa Fantasia - Barcelona - Spain - Theme Park

Horrorland is the Best European Scream Park in Barcelona, Spain

I absolutely love going to water parks – just driving up to them and seeing the slides tower above me without fail gets me in a giddy mood. Warm summer sun, popsicles, the promise of a careless day just sliding away and floating around. This specific visit turned out quite differently. No children’s laughter, no [...]
horrorland scream park spain barcelona halloween horror haunt haunted house

Barcelona’s Horrorland 2019 Turns a Defunct Nuclear Plant into a Factory of Screams

We had long left the city of Barcelona behind. Winding roads carving through mountain terrain, snowy peaks in the distance, a distinct chill in the air. One more hairpin corner, and suddenly we are confronted with an imposing cooling tower, once part of a functioning hillside nuclear plant. Now part of Horrorland 2019, this tower […]

faceless ventures unwrapped immersive theatre theater uk mexborough

Faceless Ventures’ Unwrapped Presents an Honest Commentary Under Layers of Nostalgic Laughter.

Would you ever attend a show if you knew nothing except for the title and the company producing it? Unwrapped.   That is the exact question that sparked through the minds at Faceless Ventures (FV) when they unleashed Unwrapped on the world – a show they called “Our gift to you”. And indeed, apart from a mysterious […]

Brutality Heretic The Invitation VIVISEKTION

Brutality Horror Simulation & Heretic Present VIVISEKTION

Brutality Horror Simulation, based in Basel, Switzerland, and LA underground horror veterans Heretic Haunted House join forces again to unleash The Invitation: VIVISEKTION. A handful of guests were invited to an exquisite dinner that quickly went off the rails, landing them in a seven-hour-long psychotropic nightmare.      Swiss Hospitality I remember train tracks and […]

hvrting card game faceless ventures uk immersive horror extreme

HVRTING & Faceless Ventures Satirize & Elevate Torture with an Extreme Card Game

Below is a critical review of the HVRTING Extreme Card game, and more specifically, the Faceless Venture’s collaborative experience in which the game was played. While some members of Haunting helped develop the card game, those members had no input or contribution to this review.       Five pairs of eyes shift around the room […]

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