Reign of Terror, Haunted House, Ventura, CA


Reign of Terror is a haunted attraction where all eight themes are connected–as you exit one attraction, you immediately enter the next. Each maze is designed to target a different part of your deepest fears.

  • Reign of Terror
  • Janss Marketplace; 197 N. Moorpark Rd, Thousand Oaks; Above Gold’s Gym
  • Group Setting for All Mazes
  • No Contact;
  • 45+ actors enhanced with impressive animatronics
  • A very fun traditional haunt with jump scares
  • Lights on tour is offered for those who want to see the detail

Reign of Terror is open every Halloween Season. They also do a special event nights throughout the year.

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More about Reign of Terror

Reign of Terror is the longest running (since 1999) largest indoor, authentic, traditional haunted house in Southern California. It takes roughly 25-30 minutes to walk through all nine attractions and 115 interconnected rooms. The nine are: Haunted House, Miner’s Revenge, The Asylum, Infected, Backwoods, Fun House, Casa Blood, Quarantine, and Containment. The scares are traditional jump scares, coming from dark corners, animatronic dummies, and hidden spaces. As you move from attraction to attraction, actors control the flow to prevent the classic “conga line” syndrome that other larger haunted houses can suffer from. The line can also be long, so consider upgrading to the VIP ticket. Final note: they only accept cash at the door, so purchase online.

Have little-ones or just want to look at all the detail? Then the Lights On Tour is for you! During these limited special times only, guests can walk through this haunt without the monsters present, no scary special effects turned on, no darkness, but all the regular lights are on so you can see everything! Purchase Lights On Tour tickets at the box office on the same day you want to tour. Lights On Tours run continuously between 1:00 PM -4:00 PM only on the last two Saturdays of the season.

How about turning the Lights OFF? Well, they have that too. Their ‘Lights OUT’ special event has visitors walk through our entire 25,000 square foot Haunted House with all the show lights turned off, in total darkness. This event is best enjoyed by visitors who have already walked through the standard Reign of Terror haunt experience during regular nights, when all show lighting and special effects are turned on. We strongly recommend you attend Lights OUT as your special, end of Halloween season bonus visit, so you get a full sense of how unique this night truly is. For Lights OUT, your group will given one glow stick to light your way as you make your way through all 115 haunted rooms and 9 attractions, in total darkness, and encounter all characters, props and sound effects as usual.




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