Scout Expedition Co, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA


Scout Expedition Co. is an immersive theater company created in 2017, but the founders have a long history working for Disney Imagineering and and doing Scenic Design for Delusion.

  • Scout Expedition Co.
  • Los Angeles Area
  • Immersive Theater
  • Freedom to Explore and Strong Narratives
  • Background in Scenic Design

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More about Scout Expedition Co.

This is the page for Scout Expedition Co. — creators of immersive adventures, and your guide to places unknown!

The founders of this immersive theater company are Jarrett Lantz and Jeff Leinenveber, who have had a long and prosperous professional career in Theme Park and Scenic design that has lead them to create rich environments and tell fun stories all over the world. Their work with the talented teams of Walt Disney Imagineering, Third Rail Projects, Cirque du Soleil, and Delusion have provided them with the precise know-how to bring new worlds to life through engaging and unique experiences. The only thing that’s missing is you!

The Nest (2017):

A woman named Josie recently passed away and left behind a storage room filled with decades of collected memories and cryptic secrets. Remnants of her entire life were all there in one place – left for you to discover.

As a young girl growing up in the 1960’s, Josie was gifted a tape recorder for her 12th birthday and began documenting every part her life. But in her old age, she became almost unrecognizable, warped by the tragic events of her past.

The Nest gave you the freedom to investigate Josie’s story. Equipped with a flashlight, you could search through personal effects, explore your surroundings, and listen to audio cassettes to piece together the dramatic narrative of Josie’s life.

The Nest was heavily influenced by the creators love for narrative video games like Firewatch or What Remains of Edith Finch, and much like these games, you interacted with the environment and props. Although this wasn’t explicitly an escape room, there were interactive moments and light puzzles that allowed you to walk in Josie’s footsteps,  unlocking new areas and the next chapter of her story.

The show was an intimate, personalized experience – each timeslot and ticket was only for up to two audience members: yourself, and a friend if you so choose. The show contained mystery and suspense elements, and dealt with issues like the loss of a loved one to create a touching and emotional narrative. And while the environment was dark, the show was not scary.

The Nest (2019):

Capitalizing on the success of the original run, Scout Expedition Company launched a Kickstarter campaign in Spring of 2019 to bring back an expanded version of the nest. Contributors could receive extra bits of story content online or by mail, take part in backstage tours, or even contribute a piece of their own personal story to be included into the show itself. The campaign was successful and the Nest returns in Fall of 2019. The show moved from the creator’s backyard into a gorgeous, 1920’s-era storage building. With a re-imagined layout, taking advantage of the unique new location, the show incorporates brand new puzzles and interactions, allowing you to advance the story in a whole new way with new set pieces, secrets and surprises for you to discover.




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