Heretic's Exoskeleton

A New Definition: Extreme Immersive Horror Is a Term You Need to Know

Haunting was designed to help set expectations. Part of setting those expectations is ascribing qualities and labels to immersive and haunt experiences. If it’s full-contact, audiences should expect to be touched; if it’s interactive, audiences should expect to interact. Seems simple enough, right? Well, I’d say so, except more recently, anything with even a hint [...]
Miasma Extreme Haunt Lessons

Twelve Extreme Haunt Lessons Essential for All Creators

BLACKOUT pioneered the full-contact immersive horror genre in 2009 and further refined it over the next decade. Heretic remixed the theatrical haunted house idea in 2012 and added aggressive brutality that would become synonymous with the extreme haunt name. These two horror experiences served as forefathers for the genre and inspired a very small, but […]

Mrs. Claus' Cookies - HVRTING

Mrs. Claus’ Cookies – HVRTING Wraps an Extreme Haunt in a Christmas Bow – A Recollection

This is part of Haunting’s Recollection series – it is a complete account of HVRTING’s show, Mrs. Claus’ Cookies. It contains full spoilers and is intended for readers who have attended or could not attend the show, or are curious about this creator’s work. While there are staff members at Haunting that both direct and […]

HVRTING Serialized Death Extreme Haunt Los Angeles, CA

Extra TV Brings Exclusive HVRTING Footage and Teases the Best of Immersive Horror

Happy Halloween, Haunters! extra tv   We’ve got some really wonderful video for you today. Our Editor-In-Chief, Taylor Winters, was featured in this year’s extreme haunt piece for Extra TV. We at Haunting and sister scare company HVRTING are honored to be showcased in this piece along with such creators as Josh Randall and Kristjan […]

Señor Pirate's Final Plunder - HVRTING

Señor Pirate’s Final Plunder – A Merry Adventure on the High Seas

Disclaimer: while there are staff members at Haunting that both direct and act in HVRTING experiences, this review of Senor Pirate’s Final Plunder was written by someone who is not employed by Haunting and was not influenced by any Haunting or HVRTING staff.     “Don’t worry… I got the ship on sail.” Carly Flair […]

2019 Haunt Guide Haunting, Halloween Guide 2019, Cover Image, Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles Halloween Season 2019 Haunt Guide

With all of the Halloween events in L.A. it's easy to miss out on something you really would have loved. We've got your back! To help you make the most out of your haunt season, we have put together a Halloween Haunt Guide for 2019. Below you will find a list of everything we could [...]
HVRTING, BL4KT4P3, Video, Midsummer Scream, Los Angeles, CA,

HVRTING’S BL4CKTAPE Brings Beautifully Terrifying Art Over Pain at Midsummer Scream 2019

Please note in the interest of full disclosure: HVRTING is an extreme haunt offshoot of this website (, and the two entities share multiple staff members, including the writer of this review. The writer attended this particular event as a participant. Thank you to Jon Kobryn for his video edits and Taylor Winters for filming […]

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