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Walk the Night specializes in intimate and innovative collaborative immersive experiences, with a previous emphasis on immersive Shakespearean plays.

  • Los Angeles based immersive experiences with prior Omaha, NE experiences
  • Innovative, collaborative, and audience focused
  • Intimate 1-2 person experiences
  • All ages welcomed and accommodated
  • On-going experiences – email/message them for an appointment

For information on any upcoming events, please scroll down or check our events page, map, or calendar!


More on Walk the Night

Walk the Night started in Omaha, NE co-producing immersive versions of Shakespearean Plays with Blue Barn Theatre. These performances are sandbox/open-world experiences with an emphasis on trackable narratives and interactive introductions. In 2018, they expanded their immersive offerings to Los Angeles collaborating on The Guest and The Host: Make Music. In this offering they have incorporated their love of music into an intimate 90-minute immersive experience that anyone, even the not-so-musically-inclined, can enjoy and participate in.  The Guest and The Host: Make Music was a collaboration with Andrew Heringer (of Dawson Records, formerly of Milo Greene w/ Warner Records; he currently writes as “The Guest & The Host” and produces music out of his independent Mirror Wall Studio).  In 2019, they began another on-going immersive experience Tales by Candlelight in which audiences of all ages collaborate to tell a story. The audience receives a unique candle after the experience. Tales by Candlelight is in collaboration with Christoff Visscher and Cantrip Candles, Christoff’s company which makes scented candles for tabletop roleplaying experiences


On-Going Experiences:

The Guest and The Host: Make Music

At its core, it is a collaboration between guest and host, in which an audience member or two works with a musician to produce a song. Upon entering a small studio nestled close to the Hollywood sign, you are invited to play. Not necessarily play an instrument, but just play. Explore the studio, pick up a book and ruffle through the pages (that’s a noise); make a funny sound (that’s a noise too); or grab a wooden mallet and pound away at a drum set (that’s definitely a noise). There’s no musical talent required—just a desire to explore and create.


Tales By Candlelight:

In this experience, a single audience member works with Walk the Night to create a story from scratch. The audience member designs their story through a series of choices determined using only their sense of smell.


Past Experiences:

Walk the Night

If Hamlet’s tragedy took place within the span of one night, in the 1930’s South; if Hamlet were possessed by the ghost of his father that night; if the spirits of those dead were doomed to walk the night, until their own foul crimes were burnt and purged away–just as Hamlet’s father before them…

In the present day, You have been invited to an annual party. Horatio, a descendant of the Dane family, is in attendance.  He visits the home of his ancestors at the invitation of its new owners, a mysterious proprietor & spiritual mediums. Coaxed into their seance, Horatio conjures these ghosts, who relive their haunted story for him–and You.


Where Madness Lies:

Staged in a 100-year old Monastery and Convent, Shakespeare’s King Lear comes to life in yet another uniquely immersive theatrical experience.

A team of paranormal investigators search the grounds for spirits inhabiting its halls, encountering the haunting events of Lear’s tragic downfall. The investigators soon discover that some ghosts should be left in the past, as the very spirits that plagued Lear seek to drive the investigators themselves  into a realm of madness, from which there is no escape.


Visions of Shadows:

Five missing people — 4 from decades past, and 1 recent. The answer hides in a Floating Festival, that appears and disappears every year. Omaha’s Jon Purcell began acting strangely after researching the missing persons’ cases from years and years ago, before he himself vanished.

You are invited to attend this very festival, which only those who want to see will find, while it appears. Live performing animals, puppets that come to life, and feats of movement happen before your eyes.

All events occur in real time, throughout the fair. Follow who you will; see what you can as Walk the Night presents Visions of Shadows. This production is based on William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Nights Dream.




Current Month


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