Caitlin Manor is home haunt in San Bernadino, California. Notable for its length (20 minutes!) and highly physical (non-contact) walkthrough experience, the Manor is one of the most extensive and complete haunt experiences in the greater Los Angeles area.

  • Located at 6880 Caitlin St., San Bernadino, CA
  • Walkthrough haunted house with jump scares
  • No intentional touch from actors
  • Recommended for guests age 10 and up, children under 6 not allowed
  • Classic horror themes, includes some mildly gory props
  • Heavy use of animatronics and special effects, including possible strobe lights and fog

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More on Caitlin Manor

Caitlin Manor is a home haunt in San Bernadino that uses both live actors and animatronics to deliver terrifying scares. The haunt is a loving tribute to classic horror scenes and characters, daring audiences to confront the likes of Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, and even Frankenstein’s monster.

There are a number of elements that set Caitlin Manor apart from its peers. First is its length – at around twenty minutes, it’s considerably longer than any other home haunt in Los Angeles. The creative team accomplishes this by using every inch of the home, from the front yard to the backyard, and even into the house itself.

Furthermore, Caitlin Manor boasts one of the most physical walkthrough experiences of any home haunt, especially in its use of crawling. Guests must traverse long sections on their hands and knees – so long, in fact, that entire scenes play out within these tight spaces. These stretches are designed to be tight, but flexible enough for any body type. These sections are easily one of the best parts of the haunts, but may be an issue for guests with extreme claustrophobia or mobility issues. Each group of guests led by a pair of guides who help unlock doors and navigate the disorienting space.

The haunt is full of fairly traditional jump scares, and though many of the props are store-bought, there are a number of hand-crafted sets and decorations that add to the classic horror ambience. Guests will be delighted to encounter a cast of very young actors, most of whom are sourced from a number of sports teams that the creator coaches. The young performers bring an infectious passion and enthusiasm to the haunt, not to mention some impressive physical abilities.

Caitlin Manor is a charity operation, with the profits going to support the care of creator Augie’s daughter, who was diagnosed with metachromatic leukodystrophy. A donation of $8 per person is kindly requested. The haunt typically runs for one or two weekends leading up to Halloween. There is also a “no scare” option on certain nights for those who would like to admire the detailed production without being attacked by monsters. Being a home haunt on a suburban street, parking is usually easy to find.

Caitlin Manor is an excellent home haunt that continues to grow in quality each year. If you’re looking for an immense value for your money – and to support an amazing cause – look no further.




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