Coact Productions - Immersive Theater - Stylized


CoAct Productions is an immersive theatre company that puts on intimate performances that are highly stylized and themed.

  • Los Angeles Area
  • Solo and Group experiences with intimate interactions
  • Intimate, yet gorgeously stylized set design
  • Highly evocative with a focus on the senses
  • Low agency, but powerful actors
  • Light to no physical touching between performer and audience

For information on any upcoming experiences, please scroll down or check our events page, map, or calendar!


More on CoAct Productions

CoAct Productions is a collaborative of artists, storytellers and designers that believe that stories are more than just a passive activity. Rather, they focus on presenting narrative as an embodied experience. Immersive theatre has provided a platform to create intimate performances that are uniquely engaging, and CoAct Productions spares nothing in their pursuit of new avenues for this exciting genre.  Focusing on complex, emotional narratives, CoAct takes participants on dramatic journeys through rich worlds and time periods, combining expert set design with transformative performances for a fully realized and exemplary immersive experience.


Prior Productions:

The Sideshow: An hour-long immersive theatre experience where ten audience members were transported back in time to a 1930s circus. There, they relived the memories of two circus performers seemingly trapped in time.

From Haunting’s review:

“CoAct Productions thoroughly transforms a black-box warehouse in Glendale into a break room and two dressing rooms for circus performers. Although the characters are disappointed with their lot in life, there is something inherently whimsical and romantic about the circus of the 1930s, and The Sideshow capitalizes on that to its full advantage. Complete with hay bales, a rack of sparkling costumes, copious fan letters, and other circus paraphernalia, the sets are as decadent as the cake offered to guests. The world that audience members find themselves in is stunning and all-encompassing; the air smells of cotton candy and peanuts, the bulbs strung across the ceiling provide the dim lighting, the rooms are separated by walls of tents and fabrics, the thin layer of fog stands in for the dusty landscape, and the sounds of circus or jazz music firmly establishes time and place. The intricacies and details of the sets alone are worthy of admission.”

The Severance Theory: A four-part immersive theatre series exploring a rare and beguiling psychological phenomenon- Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, the condition is often misunderstood.
In The Severance Theory, participants will experience the world through the lens of Alex, the main character and host of the personality system, who afflicted by their unfortunate past must navigate the condition from its symptomatic beginnings to manifestation. The exploration of Alex’s story allows us to examine the experiences of the past, how they affect us, and our capabilities in overcoming adversity. The first part of this experience, Welcome to Respite, runs through August 18, 2019.

Upcoming Productions:

Cold War Lounge: The Asset: (Part of a collaboration with Spy Brunch and Samson Creative Enterprises) For three nights only, Downtown LA’s Brack Shop Tavern will be transformed into a swinging ‘60s lounge featuring custom cocktails, themed dining, and live music. As you bask in the sexy and mysterious atmosphere, be sure to keep your eyes and ears open: you may find yourself at the center of a covert operation.
Focusing on the golden age of espionage, when the Americans and the Soviets gave their secret operatives free rein to fight a high-stakes war in the shadows of society, Cold War Lounge: The Asset gives participants the chance to experience the thrills, risks, and human drama that defined this era.

For more on upcoming experiences from CoAct Productions, please visit their website, and start yourself on your own theatrical journey.




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