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Cracked vs Heretic 2018: A RELAX Recollection (Spoilers)

Below is a Recollection–this is not a review, but rather a full spoiler walkthrough of the author’s experience in Cracked vs. Heretic’s RELAX, an extreme haunt by Cracked and Heretic. As RELAX will not be remounted, it is safe to read this and not be concerned with spoilers. For recollection of both nights with fewer spoilers, […]

Nocturnal Fandango Sudden Loneliness Gift Water And Fire Trauma

Sudden Loneliness Gift – Water and Fire Explores Our Connection to Trauma

Trauma isn’t gentle. Trauma shakes people up, degrades them, shatters their life, makes them feel worthless, and departs suddenly without providing any closure. It can result in the laughter of a child no longer heard, an empty bed, or a hallway of nothing but old memories contained in photographs. When trauma strikes, the world becomes […]

Hollywood’s Halloween Horror Nights 2017 Captures the Magic of the Silver Screen

As I stepped into the gates of Universal Studios Hollywood’s Halloween Horror Nights 2017, a feeling of childhood nostalgia overcame my soul. It reminded me of a hyper nine-year-old child walking through a border delineating the end of reality; holding onto his father’s hand, shivering in pure panic, sweating profusely at the thought of what […]

Hollywood Fringe Festival Immersive Theater

Hollywood Fringe Festival – Haunting Picks From Our Staff

Hollywood Fringe Festival The Hollywood Fringe Festival is an annual celebration where people can express their individual artistic talent through a series of conventional or unconventional performances. These performances range from immersive theatre to a horror musical to a political satire. But the ultimate idea of the Fringe Festival is collaboration. Theaters offer up their space to artists that [...]

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