Terror Vault SF San Francisco Mint Into the Dark Prison Cell Haunt Peaches Christ

San Francisco’s Terror Vault Underwhelms

In a city starved for haunts and frightening immersive events, residents of San Francisco are clamoring for admittance into the 21-and-over-only Terror Vault. Billing itself as “a brand new, fully immersive, and completely terrifying haunted attraction,” and charging a steep $60, the 40-minute inaugural show from Into the Dark production company is unfortunately a dud. […]

They Played Productions - Conversation with Erik and Thea Interview, Video,

A Conversation with Erik Blair and Thea Rivera on Immersive Theater

Below is an interview with Erik Blair and Thea Rivera of They Played Productions spanning immersive theater, audience participation, and future plans for their company. Many thanks to Kevin Hsu for filming the interview and Jon Kobryn for editing it.   LARPing and Ren Faire and improv, oh my! Erik Blair and Thea Rivera of They [...]
Second Chance LavaSaga Death Dead San Francisco VR Virtual Reality Therapy

Existential Mulligan: A Review of Second Chance

Only in retrospect did I realize when I died.   It was during a VR experience. My demise, perhaps my murder, was neither painful nor personal. It was abstracted and colossal, on a planetary, or perhaps a cosmic scale. Yet this death was not an end, but rather a beginning.   I died during Second […]

LavaSaga Second Chance Reimagine End of Life Scott Shigeoka Melinda Lauw Treigh Love Death Dying Dead San Francisco

Death, Be Not Frightening: An Interview with LavaSaga

Haunting had an opportunity to chat with Scott Shigeoka, Melinda Lauw, and Treigh Love, members of LavaSaga, a new Bay Area theater collective. Their show “Second Chance” used a safe experiential evocation of death to guide guests to a greater appreciation of their own lives. Lauw is co-producer of Second Chance along with Shigeoka, who […]

Two Philadelphia-Area Haunts: Pennhurst Asylum and Eastern State

While California is still the world center for haunts, Pennsylvania is perhaps the country’s most underappreciated haunt state. With major locations in the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia metro areas and various other sites scattered throughout the state, Pennsylvania is rapidly becoming worthy of a standalone October trip for haunt fans.   Typically avoiding the intensity of […]

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