Cracked vs Heretic Cracked Survival Experience Heretic The Parallel Extreme Haunt Europe Uk England Haunted House

Cracked Vs Heretic: The Battle Continues In April

April 2017  we took you deep into the minds of two creative twisted humans. Cracked-Survival Experience and HERETIC Haunted Simulation took you on a journey everyone who entered would never forget: Cracked vs Heretic!



Cracked Survival Experience Heretic The Parallel Extreme Haunt Europe Uk England Haunted House



Coming April, 2018 you are invited once again into the inner circle to witness the clash of two of the most secretive events in the world. Last show horror simulation legend Adrian Marcato laid to rest Blake Ciccone, the mastermind behind Europe’s most intense horror experience.


From Haunting’s review of the previous show:


In my opinion, Cracked’s strength was in the sheer psychological wonder of whether or not I could continue to physically keep going. Whereas H E R E T I C ‘ S strength was the physical aspect of just how much more I could bear witness to and the psychological hell of knowing that I was about to be brutalized next.


The extreme haunt community has been redefined with the collaboration between Cracked and H E R E T I C. There is something disturbing waiting for them in the dark. Proceed with caution!





In one night you will endure what both haunts have to offer in the next iteration of Cracked vs Heretic. The Cracked team will fly 5000 miles to take your body to new limits of endurance while also taking revenge on Adrian who has dreamt whole new ways to devour your soul.


Again you decide which powerhouse is the Master.




Roughly fifteen poor souls were enter Cracked vs. Heretic, so tickets will be expected to sell out quickly. If you want to attend this special event, we suggest joining the Heretic membership or Cracked’s Cracked Club Reliquia. In September, early bird tickets will go on sale for these members. General ticket release will occur in November for any tickets remaining. The Cracked Players Page will open in January for players to get to know each other, complete tasks, and partake in some fun before the horror starts.



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