Haunting Events Guide Calendar - Event Ticket Pricing Location Immersive Theater Extreme Haunts Haunted Houses Entertainment Horror

Welcome to Haunting’s Events Calendar, where you can find to latest, up-to-date information on immersive experiences, haunted events, extreme haunts, among others. While we cover immersive experiences across the globe, below is our Immersive Theater Calendar. And if you’d like to have any events added, please email us and we can add your experience. immersive theater calendar
While this page shows all events organized by date, Haunting also offers a list of all events organized by location (in our MAP) and by event (in our CATALOG).


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If you like the above calendar, make sure to join our community. If Facebook is your favorite, follow us there and become a part of our groups for Immersive Horror fans and/or Immersive creators. We’re active on Instagram, posting evocative imagery and informative stories to promote our reviews and recollections; follow us there. You can even find us on twitter; click here to follow. For those who want to explore deeper, we have a vibrant Slack community with new event alerts and immediate ticket sale announcements; click here to join. And subscribe to our event calendar to get emails for all or specific events (look for the link right under the calendar)! Finally, we have a newsletter that comes out once a week; click here to sign up.


So however you like your news being delivered, we have something haunting for you.


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