Immersive Definitions – A Helpful Guide to Understanding Styles, Types and Contact Levels

Note: While Erik Blair is the main author and wrote almost all of the below immersive definitions, this document is influenced by all members of the staff to ensure that it is a complete representation of Haunting’s views. When exploring the immersive community, creators and audiences alike will find a great many words being used […]

Blackout - Physical Touch

Blackout’s Josh Randall Teaches Us About Physical Touch In Immersive Theater

At Midsummer Scream, Josh Randall, co-creator of Blackout, sat down to teach his first ever class on the use of touch in extreme haunts. Below are key points from that class, lessons from Blackout’s past, and a description of the basic tenets of safety they use. While this is not applicable to all experiences and […]

What's In a Name

What’s in a Name – How Immersive Theater & Horror Companies Were Named

Names are powerful.  They are our doorway to a company. They are a handshake, a first impression. They connect us to their brand, informing us of what we should expect. They have the power to build a long-lasting relationship or turn away a potential customer. But often times more important than the name itself is [...]
Jeremey Connors Justin Fix - Cost of Immersive Theater - AWAKE

The Cost of Immersive Theater – A Conversation with Justin Fix

Below is an interview with Justin Fix of Just Fix It Productions, detailing the cost, risks, lessons, and recommendations that all go into running an immersive company and producing an experience. Use it as a primer or do your own thing—this is only meant as a helpful document for those who want to learn from […]

Immersive Theater Immersive Trends and horror Trends - Analytics - Industry - Number of Companies Experiences and Interest

The Growth of Immersive Theater in Los Angeles – Genesis, Data, & Trends

While immersive theater has its roots dating back decades, modern immersive theater took root in Los Angeles in the early 2010’s and has exponentially grown since.  Listed by LATimes, the arts buzzword of 2016 was “immersive”. Companies began to form, begetting new companies as prior work inspired new artists. For those of us who’ve been […]

Miasma - Extreme Haunt Roundtable - Justin Brink - Chicago Haunted House - Immersive Horror

Extreme Haunt Roundtable – Aggression, Actors, and Aftercare – Heretic, Victim Experience, Miasma, Faceless Ventures

In immersive horror, fear is key. But placing your guests in a state of simulated chaos without ever placing them in actual danger requires a safety-oriented team. In doing so, they must ensure that the environments, scenes, and content are safe and that both actors and creators have prepared for as many circumstances as possible. […]

Immersive Theater Creators Lessons for Immersive Creators - sleep no more - immersive theater - new york city

Thirteen Important Lessons for Immersive Theater Creators

For Immersive Theater Creators & Those That Want to Be One So, you’re an immersive theater creator, you’ve already been one, or you want to be one. You have a good idea – maybe even a great idea. Now what? Designing an “immersive” experience can seem lofty and perilous, only possible for those with the […]

The Appeal of Extreme Haunts, What They Are, and How to Start

What is an ‘Extreme Haunt?’ Extreme haunts give you the opportunity to live out your own horror movie. You will be placed in the role of the victim—and you will be handled as such. These haunts are not your stereotypical haunted houses with jump scares and latex masks; instead extreme haunts focus more on the psychology [...]

Why Immersive Theater Matters, What it is, & How to Get Involved

What is ‘Immersive Theater?’ Do you ever find yourself getting bored watching television? Falling asleep while reading a book? Ever wish you could be a part of the story? That your choices mattered? Immersive theater provides this opportunity. Immersive Theater Matters.   Immersive theater differentiates itself from traditional theater by removing the stage and actively [...]

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