Heretic's Exoskeleton

A New Definition: Extreme Immersive Horror Is a Term You Need to Know

Haunting was designed to help set expectations. Part of setting those expectations is ascribing qualities and labels to immersive and haunt experiences. If it’s full-contact, audiences should expect to be touched; if it’s interactive, audiences should expect to interact. Seems simple enough, right? Well, I’d say so, except more recently, anything with even a hint [...]
Nightgaunt | Call from Restricted | Shock Theater | Haunted Hills Estates Screampark

Call From Restricted & We’ve Been Trying to Reach You Combine Into One Epic ARG

Special thanks to Madeline Nelson for her contributions to this article. Below is a review for Shock Theater and Haunted Hills Estates Screampark’s combined experience: We’ve Been Trying to Reach You / Call from Restricted.   I double-check my assignment and dial the first phone number given to me. My heart races in anticipation of […]

Miasma Extreme Haunt Lessons

Twelve Extreme Haunt Lessons Essential for All Creators

BLACKOUT pioneered the full-contact immersive horror genre in 2009 and further refined it over the next decade. Heretic remixed the theatrical haunted house idea in 2012 and added aggressive brutality that would become synonymous with the extreme haunt name. These two horror experiences served as forefathers for the genre and inspired a very small, but […]

Eye for Horror - Shock Theater - Extreme Haunt - New York - Haunted House - Fringe Media

Shock Theater Reveals A Love of Photography with Eye For Horror

Since 2013 Shock Theater, a New York-based art collective specializing in adult-themed immersive horror experiences have brought terror to willing participants throughout the tri-state area year round. Responsible for one of the top 10 most extreme horror experiences in America, Dead of Night, Shock Theater takes immersive horror to another level with their latest experience EYE FOR HORROR.   EYE FOR […]

The Boanthropic - The Society - path - Immersive Theater - Trans-media - on-going - immersive experience - ARX

Dystopia Redux – Instilling Raw and Unapologetic Horror

The year is 2049, and the world suffers from overpopulation.  Resources are low and the masses need thinning.  The Aurora Institute’s only solution is to create Dystopia, a government controlled game show that drops 5 blood-thirsty participants against each other to be the last one standing.  Do you have what it takes to survive against […]

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