Experiential Supply Co - Sugar Rush - Theme Park & Installation

Sugar Rush Is a Bright and Sweet Treat for Spring

I round a corner inside the extravagantly decorated Sugar Rush, and come upon a walkway that is completely and utterly pink. Pink swirls are painted on the ground; pink, polka-dotted backdrops create makeshift walls; pink, cotton-candy deer figures greet guests; giant, pink lollipops erupt from the pink, cotton-candy lawn; and a dapper, pink-suited gentleman cheerfully [...]
The Bite LA Holiday | Meyer2Meyer Entertainment

The Bite LA Holiday Is a Delicious and Sweet Holiday Treat

We are at The Bite LA Holiday, and I clutch a cloth sno-ball in my hand, primed for the next snowman to show itself. We slowly pull up alongside an illuminated igloo, a projection of snowfall dancing on the side. The Tran-Siberian Orchestra's “Wizards in Winter” hums through my body, my heart pulsing with the [...]
WonderLAnd Drive-Thru | Experiential Supply Co

WonderLAnd Drive-Thru Will Amaze Even the Nastiest Grinch

We turn our car down the twisting path and pass a sign reading "WonderLAnd Village." Here stands a row of house facades, each decorated in bright and magical colors and lights; a beautiful celebration. One house, awash in blue and white lights, is decorated with a large menorah and Jewish star to represent Hanukkah. Another [...]
Magic Mountain Holidays in the Park Drive-Thru Experience | Christmas 2020

Holidays in the Park Drive-Thru – Magic Mountain Brings Holiday Joy From a Safe Distance

I recognize the twinkling lights, like icicles dangling from the candy-cane-striped trees. I recognize the Danny Elfman music emanating from the snow-lined path that’s dotted with ice sculptures of wild animals. I recognize the reindeer-led sleigh, rising high into the air, with the one and only Santa Claus at the helm. But this is Holidays [...]

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