STAG Eternal 2023 Immersive Horror Extreme Haunt Michigan

STAG Eternal 2023 – A Recollection from Sam Giacinto

Weeks of anticipation led up to the defining moment that cannot be described, it needs to be experienced. I am about to attend STAG Eternal. February 10, 2023: The day that changes everything. I make the seven-hour drive from Green Bay Wisconsin to Bay City Michigan to experience STAG Eternal. I have my instructions that [...]
Heretic's Exoskeleton

A New Definition: Extreme Immersive Horror Is a Term You Need to Know

Haunting was designed to help set expectations. Part of setting those expectations is ascribing qualities and labels to immersive and haunt experiences. If it’s full-contact, audiences should expect to be touched; if it’s interactive, audiences should expect to interact. Seems simple enough, right? Well, I’d say so, except more recently, anything with even a hint [...]

Confronting a Forgotten Motel Room’s Wretched Past in STAG’s PRVT

I stand in an empty playground parking lot in the rural outskirts of Saginaw, Michigan – an unlikely town for the type of experience I am about to endure. Coming from Chicago, the first thing I notice is the silence of the country. And the cold – the Michigan wind whips around my inadequately layered […]

The Appeal of Extreme Haunts, What They Are, and How to Start

What is an ‘Extreme Haunt?’ Extreme haunts give you the opportunity to live out your own horror movie. You will be placed in the role of the victim—and you will be handled as such. These haunts are not your stereotypical haunted houses with jump scares and latex masks; instead extreme haunts focus more on the psychology [...]

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