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Halloween is here--and horror is back in the form of haunted houses, immersive horror experiences, and traditional theater. After last year's socially distanced Halloween, we can finally walk down narrow corridors smelling of fog and latex while actors jump out and narratives crawl under our skin. With a year off, so many companies have come [...]
Forbidden Woods Cemetery – An Impressive Home Haunt in North Hollywood
A heavy fog dances around my feet as I take one hesitant step forward after another into the unknown. Something catches my eye off to my right – what looks like a human form wrapped in heavy cobwebs hangs from the ceiling. I pause to catch my breath and calm my heartbeat, hoping I do […]
Los Angeles Halloween Season 2019 Haunt Guide
With all of the Halloween events in L.A. it's easy to miss out on something you really would have loved. We've got your back! To help you make the most out of your haunt season, we have put together a Halloween Haunt Guide for 2019. Below you will find a list of everything we could [...]