Definitely Not Clue | Pixel Playhouse Interview

Definitely Not Clue – An Original Interactive Musical on Twitch – A Pixel Playhouse Interview

In the past few months, digital storytelling has evolved with creators finding novel and innovative ways and mediums in which to tell their stories. While Pixel Playhouse was formed in 2018, their work is leading the way in terms of creating some of the best and most interesting digital work out there. In their latest […]

Cowboy Elektra Workshop | Rogue Artists Ensemble

Cowboy Elektra Workshop – A Greek Tragedy Goes Western

The scraping of the violin bow across the saw’s edge creates a mournful wail as the puppeteers float a hat, trousers, and bloodstained shirt into place. It is the ghost of Oren, Elektra’s brother, come to demand that she take up his knife and bring frontier justice to their murderess mother Nessie. The girl in […]

Manson Family: An Opera | Majestic Repertory Theatre

The Manson Family: An Opera Takes Viewers Down a Dark and Disturbing Path

It’s dark. Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme has just finished administering a tab of acid to each of us in the group. A blacklight turns on, illuminating the four once-black walls now covered in wild, white scribbled messages. These ceiling-to-floor anarchic rantings and ravings are spilled straight from Charles Manson’s maniacal mastermind. My eyes glow with wonder […]

Cages | Woolf & The Wondershow

Cages Infuses a Traditional Rock Musical with Astonishing Visuals

The following article was co-written with Taylor Winters. cages   A narrow alleyway awaits. Crooked little buildings all huddled together, a little too close – almost as if they are trying to get far away from something. I begin walking down the brick pathway and find an odd hole with words scratched next to it: […]

Vampirates at Pirates Dinner Adventure

Vampirates Dinner Theater Charms the Blood Out of Your Veins

High above a haunted galleon, a vampiric pirate dangles from blood-red silks. He and a companion spin faster and faster above the cursed ship, performing masterfully crafted aerial stunts for the benefit of entire families. Bloodthirsty swashbucklers watch from the wings, in the midst of a thrilling musical adventure. These are the titular heroes and […]

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