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Let's Go to the Movies with Rotten Apple 2023 Rotten Apple 907 is the constant in the Southern California home haunt scene—beginning in 1990 as a party for their daughter and now extending into the legend category. This home haunt is anything but what you’d think of when you think a home haunt. The walk-through [...]
Rotten Apple 907 Masterfully Recreates A Replica Of Evil In The London Fog
The cobbled street is uneven and rocky; my feet are more careful. But it’s not just my steps that are hindered here, the fog is dense and has a certain weight to it. It’s amplified by the narrow corridor of London businesses, huddled together as if their uniformity could protect them from the plague spreading [...]
Los Angeles & Beyond – Halloween Guide 2021
Halloween is here--and horror is back in the form of haunted houses, immersive horror experiences, and traditional theater. After last year's socially distanced Halloween, we can finally walk down narrow corridors smelling of fog and latex while actors jump out and narratives crawl under our skin. With a year off, so many companies have come [...]
LA Yard Haunt Displays – A Tour of Burbank, North Hollywood, & More During Halloween
Thank you to Pamela Van Hill, Chelsea Cook, Taylor Winters and Alyssa Concha for their contributions in writing or photography to our LA Yard Haunt Displays article. If you’re looking for a fun and family friendly way to round out your Halloween in the LA valley area, consider adding a LA Yard Haunt Displays crawl [...]
Death Triangle by Burbank’s Rotten Apple 907 Is Another Impressive Home Haunt – Video & Review
A giant jelly fish lurches and then a child’s voice calls out, “Get out of here! This boat is not safe!” For their 29th year, Rotten Apple 907 has taken a dive into the Death Triangle and there’s so much to see. With one of their strongest sound and lighting designs yet and a believable […]