Highway to Hell Majestic Repertory Theater, Horrorwood Video, Immersive Horror, Drive In Experience, Las Vegas, NV

Horrorwood Video Returns with Highway to Hell and Brings Drive In Scares

The screen in front of us crackles iconically as it goes dark. Left in total blackness and silence, we heed our guide’s warning: Don’t Breathe. Suddenly, lights flash and we see a young girl in tattered clothing with her long, dark hair falling in front of her eyes. As quickly as we see her, she [...]
Prism Haunt - Nightmares Manifest 12 - Halloween Yard Display - Halloween Show - Mission Viejo CA

Prism Haunt 2020: Nightmares Manifest is a Technological Dream

Prism Haunt 2020: Nightmares Manifest is a fascinating and chilling sci-fi-themed yard display and live show that uses multiple projections, actors, and some great effects to immerse audiences in their narrative.   Nightmares Manifest follows a passionate doctor and his AI lab assistant, Metal 3 (who is represented via grating metal noises, a distorted humanoid face,  [...]
The Curse of The Raven, OC Yard Haunt Displays, Orange County, CA, Halloween

OC Yard Haunt Displays – A Tour of Anaheim, La Mirada & More During Halloween

Halloween yard displays are a safe and friendly way for passionate home (and apartment) owners to showcase their love for the season. These creators are incredible, spending weeks, if not months, to build massive facades, ships, castles, manors, cemeteries, swamps, and more to immerse audiences and passerbyers in this world. During this year, many home [...]
LA Yard Haunt Displays, Halloween Yard Displays Los Angeles Valley Haunting Drive By Community Home Haunt Socially Distanced Outdoor Rotting Hill Cemetery North Hollywood CA

LA Yard Haunt Displays – A Tour of Burbank, North Hollywood, & More During Halloween

Thank you to Pamela Van Hill, Chelsea Cook, Taylor Winters and Alyssa Concha for their contributions in writing or photography to our LA Yard Haunt Displays article. If you’re looking for a fun and family friendly way to round out your Halloween in the LA valley area, consider adding a LA Yard Haunt Displays crawl [...]

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