Rotten Apple 907 | Death Triangle

Death Triangle by Burbank’s Rotten Apple 907 Is Another Impressive Home Haunt – Video & Review

A giant jelly fish lurches and then a child’s voice calls out, “Get out of here! This boat is not safe!” For their 29th year, Rotten Apple 907 has taken a dive into the Death Triangle and there’s so much to see.  With one of their strongest sound and lighting designs yet and a believable cast, this is unsurprisingly one of the best home haunts anywhere.


Groups of six are on-boarded first by a sailor who tells the tale of his ship that went down in the Death Triangle, then by the Captain himself who warns you of creatures inside that will suck your eyes out. This was enough for our bravest nine-year-old to relinquish her first place in line.


Rotten Apple 907 | Death Triangle


Once inside the listing vessel, your group walks through several lovingly curated scenes of the ship’s interior and along the ocean floor. There are several set pieces inside and out. The hull of the ship, a giant octopus with moving tentacles, a plane crash that you might recognize from Midsummer Scream, and a final creature which our entire group took pause to admire.


Nothing gets too dark. If things get too scary, just call out “HALLOWEEN” and instead of jump-scares, you might hear a faint “Happy Halloween” in return. The haunt’s final night is Thursday October 31st, from 7-10. Do yourself a favor and get there at 6:30p, otherwise you’ll be waiting over an hour or two. If you get there too late, you might find yourself turned away.


For more information on Death Triangle, follow Rotten Apple 907 on their website or Facebook page. Check out our Event Guide for more Halloween and horror entertainment throughout the year.


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death triangle death triangle death triangle death triangle death triangle death triangle 

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