Cold War Lounge: The Asset | Spy Brunch, CoAct Productions, Sampson Creative Enterprises

Cold War Lounge: The Asset Transports You to a Complex World of Spies and Betrayal

Looking beguilingly exotic with her distinct features and her black, stylishly angled beret, the woman is curt, maybe even slightly demeaning as she tells me to turn around. There are some dangerous people in the crowd tonight, and you don’t want to turn your back on them. Besides, she tells me a bit more reassuringly, […]

CoAct - Severance Theory

CoAct Productions Goes Dark with Severance Theory – An Interview

After the success of their fantastically transportive The Sideshow, audiences were wondering what CoAct Productions would come up with next. Turns out, CoAct has taken a drastic turn from the whimsical Sideshow to dive into the tricky subject matter of mental illness with their four-part series, The Severance Theory. With the first chapter, Welcome to […]

The Sideshow

CoAct Productions Presents the Beautiful Dreamlike Sideshow

Smoke seeps from beneath the hanging fabric, unfurling like a hand beckoning us to come closer and listen to the stories of a long-ago love. Cheerful music plays under thunderous applause marking the finale of the show. Two lost souls are still stuck in their memories, wishing they made different choices, wishing they trusted their […]

Sideshow - CoAct Productions - Immersive Circus - Dessert and Wine

CoAct Productions – Interview with the Team Behind The Sideshow

During times of tension and turmoil, escapism rises in popularity. From escape rooms to immersive experiences, audiences actively find ways to explore different worlds, pretend to be someone else, or to relive the past. To provide another avenue of exploration, Lyndsie Scoggin, Nick Rheinwald-Jones, and Danielle Levesque Grimm of CoAct Productions have wisely combined a […]

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