each and every | Candle House Collective | ARX | help series

each and every – Candle House Collective Celebrates Life Through Music

Below is our review of the most recent Candle House Collective experience in their help! series, each and every. Read our review of previous help! series entries: claws and on the serenity of oranges.   For the past 40,000 years, people have made music. Evidence of songwriting and musical instruments permeate all throughout human history […]

on the serenity of oranges | Candle House Collective | Help Series

on the serenity of oranges – Candle House Collective Presents a Poignant Escape into Unimportance

As fruit goes, oranges are pretty uninspiring. They don’t have a unique shape or an exotic flavor. They’re not used in any elaborate desserts. They’re not seasonal – they’re pretty much always around. They’re not really anyone’s favorite fruit. They’re ordinary. They’re plain. They’re unimportant. And they just may be the key to changing everything. […]

Here the Birds Burn | Mollymuck Immersive

Here the Birds Burn Brings New Relevance to 19th-Century Horror

The idea of gathering somewhere to get the pants scared off of you is hardly a new concept. People have enjoyed being collectively scared almost from the beginning. Yet in the 19th Century, something fascinating happened. An overall interest in the supernatural intersected with a sudden advancement in technology. For the first time, people could […]

Cold War Lounge: The Asset | Spy Brunch, CoAct Productions, Sampson Creative Enterprises

Cold War Lounge: The Asset Transports You to a Complex World of Spies and Betrayal

Looking beguilingly exotic with her distinct features and her black, stylishly angled beret, the woman is curt, maybe even slightly demeaning as she tells me to turn around. There are some dangerous people in the crowd tonight, and you don’t want to turn your back on them. Besides, she tells me a bit more reassuringly, […]

Fringe 2019 - Best Night Ever

Fringe 2019 – Best Night Ever Keeps the Party Rolling

I stumble out of the now-parked limo feeling good after drinking a few more vodka and cokes than I’d like to admit. As our lively group makes its way from the stretched SUV toward DeLongpre Park, I can’t help but feel slightly guilty about giving Kate, the bride-to-be, an impassioned argument against committing herself to […]

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