WonderLAnd Drive-Thru | Experiential Supply Co

WonderLAnd Drive-Thru Will Amaze Even the Nastiest Grinch

We turn our car down the twisting path and pass a sign reading "WonderLAnd Village." Here stands a row of house facades, each decorated in bright and magical colors and lights; a beautiful celebration. One house, awash in blue and white lights, is decorated with a large menorah and Jewish star to represent Hanukkah. Another [...]
Magic Mountain Holidays in the Park Drive-Thru Experience | Christmas 2020

Holidays in the Park Drive-Thru – Magic Mountain Brings Holiday Joy From a Safe Distance

I recognize the twinkling lights, like icicles dangling from the candy-cane-striped trees. I recognize the Danny Elfman music emanating from the snow-lined path that’s dotted with ice sculptures of wild animals. I recognize the reindeer-led sleigh, rising high into the air, with the one and only Santa Claus at the helm. But this is Holidays [...]
on the serenity of oranges | Candle House Collective | Help Series

on the serenity of oranges – Candle House Collective Presents a Poignant Escape into Unimportance

As fruit goes, oranges are pretty uninspiring. They don’t have a unique shape or an exotic flavor. They’re not used in any elaborate desserts. They’re not seasonal – they’re pretty much always around. They’re not really anyone’s favorite fruit. They’re ordinary. They’re plain. They’re unimportant. And they just may be the key to changing everything. […]

Covell In the Cloud | ABC Project | Annie Lesser

C(ovell) in the C(loud) – ABC Interactive’s Impressive and Whimsical Night Out

Below is our review of ABC Interactive‘s Covell In the Cloud, a new, remote version of Annie Lesser’s Covell (read our review of the original HERE).   Not long into the Covell in the Cloud’s pre-game festivities I get yoinked out of the main Zoom channel, called “Center of the Room,” into a breakout titled […]

Escape Room LA Curse of the Dark Raven fantasy puzzle Haunting rpg game point and click

Curse of the Dark Raven – Escape Room LA’s Nostalgic Point-and-Click Escape Room

The following is a review for Escape Room LA’s Curse of the Dark Raven and contains mild spoilers around themes and mechanics.   “Flattery will get you nowhere!” booms the troll. Or, rather, our guide/Game Master in her best deep and raspy troll-voice. “Gold is required!” Unfortunately, we don’t have any gold. After a few more […]

Definitely Not Clue | Pixel Playhouse Interview

Definitely Not Clue – An Original Interactive Musical on Twitch – A Pixel Playhouse Interview

In the past few months, digital storytelling has evolved with creators finding novel and innovative ways and mediums in which to tell their stories. While Pixel Playhouse was formed in 2018, their work is leading the way in terms of creating some of the best and most interesting digital work out there. In their latest […]

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