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Ceaseless Fun Takes Over with Everyone Agrees It’s About to Explode [TICKETS ON SALE]

Ceaseless Fun is proud to announce Everyone Agrees It’s About to Explode, the latest immersive experience from artistic director Derek Spencer, creative producer Meredith Treinen, and their resident troupe of company members. Tickets are now on sale here.


You might have noticed a change come over Haunting this week. Our usual logo crudely scratched out and replaced with an angry scrawl. Articles shoved aside by barely legible assertions, all leading to the same dimly lit video by an angry young malcontent who is fed up with the status quo and grasping for a solution to a question with no easy answers.



Disruption. Chaos. Anarchy. Can you blame us? No matter where you fall on the ideological spectrum, you’d have to find a particularly deep hole in the sand to avoid conceding that things are getting worse. Neck deep in the mud of fractious politics, contentious discourse, with absolutely no end in sight, who doesn’t feel the rumbling urge to scream into the void? To make a mess, regardless of the outcome, as long as there’s really, finally an outcome? Who can articulate our rage? Who can give life to the radical change we need, if only in fantasy? The revolution is nigh, and Haunting is honored to be counted among the first to follow.



Ceaseless Fun is back, and they have something to say.


In 2018, Ceaseless Fun, led by the inimitable creative partners Derek Spencer and Meredith Treinen, presented The Stars, what I at the time called “the deepest, most ambitious, and rewarding theatrical experience this immersive community has generated all year.” Their compact season of four shows (Agnosia, They Who Saw the Deep, The Stars, and The Rose Theatre Presents…) collectively invited the audience on a deep dive into the meaning we ascribe to ourselves, those we love, and language itself. They never shy from weighty issues, balanced with a whimsy and rock & roll sensibility that never fails to captivate. A Ceaseless Fun production is a show of ideas, with a script of gorgeous prose as erudite as it is entertaining, complex as it is engrossing. A Ceaseless Fun production is staged with empathy and curiosity, conjuring intimate moments and connections in any space. A Ceaseless Fun production is filled with charismatic performances of dangerous immediacy, with a playful sense of humor speckled with melancholy and self-doubt. To put it simply, Ceaseless Fun is smart, and Ceaseless Fun is fun. Perhaps no other immersive company has so convincingly demonstrated the power of words and ideas to shape a narrative and inspire thought and reflection. Who better, then, to attempt to articulate the mood of these trying times?


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Per Ceaseless Fun: Everyone Agrees It’s About to Explode (EAIATE) is a fully immersive theater production about radical politics, factionalism, the allures of power, and the role of the arts in political change. Under the cover of darkness, members of a small leftist insurrectionary group sneak into a vacant building in order to hold their meeting and plan their anarchist activities. The audience is cast as new recruits in the group, and at first the meeting goes as planned. But as old arguments surface, the group finds itself on the brink of collapse. Originally devised with the ensemble, EAIATE pits conflicting ideologies against one another and asks the audience to consider their place in these timeless conflicts. Everyone agrees that the correct answer is always a synthesis of many possible answers.


Maybe there are no easy answers. Maybe for now the only measures available to us are half measures, and any compromises are going to go down bitter. But that means there’s never been a more important time for a space to explore these problems and work out how we really feel about them. I can think of no more worthy arbiters than the artists and storytellers of Ceaseless Fun to treat such complicated issues with the nuance, rigor, camaraderie, and, yes, fun they require. The revolution is in Los Angeles, and only playing for four weekends. Act now. For once, we can guarantee a better tomorrow.


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WHAT: Everyone Agrees It’s About to Explode

EAIATE is an immersive, site-specific work. Audience members should expect to be touched and interacted with directly. Trigger warning for gun violence, dark spaces, loud noises, and suicide/self-harm.


WHERE: Lincoln Heights, LA*

*Location to be distributed once tickets are purchased.
(Please note that this location is not wheelchair accessible.)


WHEN: Thursdays – Sundays, March 12 – April 5


RUNTIME: Approximately 105 minutes


TICKETS: $55, available at https://everyoneagrees.brownpapertickets.com/

A limited number of $20 income accessibility tickets will be released for each show. Tickets on sale NOW.


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Everyone Agrees It’s About to Explode runs March 12-April 5; purchase tickets HERE. Follow Ceaseless Fun on their website, Instagram, and Facebook page. Check out our Event Guide for more immersive entertainment throughout the year.


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About The Author

Chris Wollman
Chris first checked into the McKittrick Hotel in 2011 and has loved immersive theatre ever since. He holds a Bachelors in Theatre from SDSU, a Masters in Education from USC, and is currently teaching Shakespeare to kids. As Douglas Adams said, he loves deadlines; he loves the whooshing noise they make as they go by.

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