Dark Harvest 2023 - Haunted House - Garden Grove CA

Dark Harvest 2023 Delivers on Interactivity by Adding Clowns to the Asylum

Dark Harvest (previously known as The Fleshyard) is an Orange County/Inland Empire haunt staple—and as such, they have partnered before with other haunt giants like Perdition Home, Pirates’ Cave, and this year, Hauntington Beach Manor. While Hauntington Beach Manor’s Followers of Pythia occupies one side of the lot - Dark Harvest 2023 has the larger [...]
Dark Harvest 2022 - The Fleshyard - Pirates Cave - Shady Pines Asylum - Haunted House - Anaheim CA

Dark Harvest 2022 Kills It with a Frightening Tour Through Shady Pines Asylum

Welcome, investors! Shady Pines Asylum is opening their doors to you, to tour their rustic design and tranquil walking trails that only aid and assist in the recovery of the inmates who are undergoing rehabilitation. Also, lucky for you, Dr. Bodkin will be showcasing his new technology—which couldn’t have flourished without your investments—and the inmates [...]
LA Yard Haunt Displays, Halloween Yard Displays Los Angeles Valley Haunting Drive By Community Home Haunt Socially Distanced Outdoor Rotting Hill Cemetery North Hollywood CA

Los Angeles & Beyond – Halloween Guide 2021

Halloween is here--and horror is back in the form of haunted houses, immersive horror experiences, and traditional theater. After last year's socially distanced Halloween, we can finally walk down narrow corridors smelling of fog and latex while actors jump out and narratives crawl under our skin. With a year off, so many companies have come [...]
Frostys Forest and Pumpkin Patch - Dark Harvest Haunt - Haunted House - Corn Maze - Perdition Home - Fleshyard

Dark Harvest Haunt Invites Us to Get Scared in a Corn Maze of Horror

The roar of a chainsaw is heard over the cornstalks. The glow of light emanating from within the cabin may offer some safety. Dare I risk it? I step through the threshold, and the stench is overpowering. Two corpses hang from the ceiling, their arms bound, hoods over their head, blood stains across their clothes. [...]

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