Haunting 2023 Halloween Guide 2023 Halloween Reviews

Haunting’s 2023 Halloween Reviews

As the spirits return to their graves and the glowing smile on the Jack O Lantern dims, our Halloween Haunt Guide comes to a close with fewer and fewer events. But we don't want to keep up an empty guide throughout the year--rather, we want to showcase the wonderful haunted houses, conventions, immersive horror experiences, [...]
Hotel Who - La Séance - Immersive Theater - Hollywood - Los Angeles CA

Hotel Who’s La Séance: Spiritualism, Intrigue, & Recommendations for this Murder Mystery

Various rugs are laid across the floor, lit only by the flicker of candlelight. Strangers join hands together, forming a kidney bean shaped circle. Ludwig kneels at the center, the Ivar family remaining close, but not too close. Ludwig begins speaking in a tongue I cannot comprehend, his breath becoming more rapid, as he opens [...]
Hotel Who - Immersive Theater - Los Angeles CA - Murder Mystery

Hotel Who Invites Guests to Stay Overnight and Immerse Themselves In a Murder Mystery

Note: While we recommend the full overnight Hotel Who experience to those that can afford it, we also recognize that with all the immersive horror and haunted houses this season, money is extremely tight. Hotel Who is offering discounted tickets for the experience alone (no overnight hotel stay) for only $125. With a six-hour immersive [...]

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