Spectrevision Transference Daniel Noah Kyle McCullough Elijah Wood Ubisoft

SpectreVision Brings Transference VR Demo to Fantastic Fest

Festival goers at this year's Fantastic Fest in Austin, TX were treated to quite an exciting experience with SpectreVision's TRANSFERENCE VR Demo. The thrilling virtual reality game was a collaboration between the film production company and video game partner Ubisoft.   Haunting had the opportunity to sit down with Daniel Noah (Partner/Dir. of Development, SpectreVision) [...]
Midnight Texas - NBC - Video Content - Charlaine Harris

‘Midnight, Texas’ Offers An Unforgettable 4D Experience (Video Walkthrough)

Immersive experiences flooded the streets of San Diego Comic Con this year. Major motion pictures, such as Blade Runner and Bright, as well as television series, such as Westworld and Mr. Robot, all promoted their brands through immersive “activations” or experiences. Often incorporating food, drink, and live actors, each experience excelled in recreating their given […]

Dark Arts Interview with Lawrence Meyers - Immersive Theater at The Hollywood Fringe Festival

Fringe Preview – “Dark Arts” Exclusive Lawrence Meyers Audio Interview

With myriad performances taking place during Fringe Fest, it’s a wonderful time for both traditional and immersive theater. We’re very excited to highlight one piece in particular: DARK ARTS. This experience, written by and starring Lawrence Meyers (PORN ROCK), is challenging the conventional format of theater by combining both immersive and proscenium elements to make […]

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