Hollywood Fringe Festival Immersive Theater

Hollywood Fringe Festival – Haunting Picks From Our Staff

Hollywood Fringe Festival The Hollywood Fringe Festival is an annual celebration where people can express their individual artistic talent through a series of conventional or unconventional performances. These performances range from immersive theatre to a horror musical to a political satire. But the ultimate idea of the Fringe Festival is collaboration. Theaters offer up their space to artists that [...]
Panel Overlook Film Festival Immersive Horror Theater Blackout ABC Project Bottleneck Immersive

The Overlook Film Festival – Making Immersive Work Panel

From the intimate to the extreme, immersive experiences can range in style, tone, and inspiration. With a festival-long immersive horror game starting before you even arrive at the Timberline Lodge (Bottleneck Immersive) and intimate individual shows by both ABC Project and Blackout, The Overlook Film Festival was not shy at proclaiming its love for immersive […]

C(ovell) Covell Annie Lesser ABC Project

C(ovell) is an Enchanting Evening of Laughter & Magic

“We ask for your minds and we ask for your hearts. Are you ready to gamble with the unknowable? We may be liars. This all may be an illusion. But aren’t illusions half the fun? With all battles, losers may lose, and winners may also lose. Once it begins, you must play. It’s the best, you simply must—but until then, you […]

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