Blackout Kickstarter, 10th Anniversay, NYC, New York City, Extreme Haunt, Solo, blakout10nyc

Blackout Kickstarter Heralds the Return of the Legendary Haunt

It’s rapidly approaching, folks! Today, Blackout announced their Kickstarter, designed to fund and keep ticket prices down for their eagerly anticipated Halloween show in New York City this October. Blackout Kickstarter. 


Donation tiers range from $25 (a thank you from Blackout) all the way up to $1000 (2 guaranteed tickets, 2 one hour backstage passes, and 2 invites to join creators Kris or Josh post show,) with plenty of options in between.


There’s even an option to relive the 2016 Blackout ARG “21” with a small sample of three three late-night phone calls from Katie Navidson. Read our review of this amazing ARG’s Chapter 1 here.


If you’re looking for early access or guaranteed tickets to what’s sure to be one of Haunt Season’s hottest shows, click HERE now to secure your spot!


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So however you like your news being delivered, we have something haunting for you.

Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter Blackout Kickstarter 

About The Author

Cristen Brinkerhoff
Cristen has been writing since she was a small, strange child. Her first foray into immersive theatre opened up a new world of possibility for art and exploration for her, and she’s been hooked on the genre ever since. A lifelong horror and theatre fan, she hopes to use her fast fingers to help Haunting and Immersed readers dig deeper into the immersive horror landscape, and learn to love the things that scare us.

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