Insane Haunt Productions' The Cabin - Insane Haunt Productions - The Cabin - Home Haunt

Insane Haunt Productions’ The Cabin Invites Us to Witness A Snowy Massacre

Cameron McGuinness, aged 19, is another haunt protégé. Much like Jacob Larson of Pirate’s Cave, Sam Kellman of Opechee, Mason Legerski of Corona Haunt, Zion Fenwick of Twisted, among others, McGuinness has been creating haunted houses out of his front yard and garage for the past six years, A far leap from his very first [...]
Heretic - The Cabin - Ruin - The Patient - Extreme Haunt - Horror Experience - Big Bear

Heretic – The Cabin Part 2 – Entering a State of Ruin

Below is a Recollection–this is not a review, but rather a full spoiler walkthrough of the author’s experience through  Heretic’s The Cabin: Ruin.  This 8 horror simulation unfolded in real time with its own distinct storyline, including unique paths for each participant, that will not be repeated.  If interested in the pre-show leading up to this event, please […]

Heretic - The Cabin - Ruin - The Patient - Extreme Haunt - Horror Experience - Big Bear

Heretic – The Cabin Part 1 – The Patient and The Caretaker

Below is a recollection, or walkthrough, of the pre-show for Heretic’s The Cabin: Ruin. Every guest’s pre-show is distinct and personal, so this interaction with the Patient should only be considered representative of one guest’s experience. This is also different from the other pre-shows for other nights of The Cabin. To read a review of […]

The Cabin - Heretic - Overnight Horror Simulation - Pre-show VHS Cases - Extreme Haunt

Heretic – Delivers Vintage Horror in The Cabin Pre-Show

Below is a minimal spoiler review of the pre-show for Heretic’s The Cabin. Every guest’s pre-show is distinct and personal, so this should only be considered representative of one guest’s experience.       “I woke up in glass.”   Her eye is swollen shut. Her face bruised, battered, and covered in blood. Her body […]

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