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The body goes limp. Blood pooling out from around the wound. The small girl on top of the body raises her head to address my group. With a slight smile, she asks, “How fast can you run?” Her white gown is splattered with blood. “I’ll give you a ten second head start.” I hesitate, as [...]
Downtown Repertory Theater Creates an Immersive Masterpiece with Witch!
“Do you believe in ghosts?” James asks me as we traverse deeper down the dark corridor lit only by his lantern light. The coin purse jingles in my hands, reminding me of my mission—to deliver this definitely-not-a-bribe to the Magistrate. But as we walk deeper down into the mausoleum, I worry that I am further [...]
Deserving Power – A Self-Help Seminar Is More than What It Seems
I sit in front of my computer in the dark room, save for a single candle and the monitor’s glow. I dip my fingers in a bowl of water I’ve prepared for this moment, and shut my eyes. I hear Aleister Thomas’ deep, soothing voice coming from my computer, reciting what seems like a chant […]