Stitch Factory Farms - Haunted House - Hazel Green AL

Stitch Factory Farms: Agri-Industrial and Loud in Hazel Green, Alabama

Stitch Factory Farms

Stitch Factory Farms is a second year haunt with plans to grow. Located about 30 minutes north of Huntsville at 422 Loveless Rd, Hazel Green, Alabama, it is easy to find and easy to get to. Don’t pull into the driveway though. This year, parking is located nearby at the end of Alex Lane in a large, well-lit field.

Tickets at the door were $20 and parking was $5. Tickets can be bought on-line for a discount. The web page also mentions that no restrooms are available on site.

After parking, there was a short wait for an honest-to-goodness hayride to carry guests to the haunt. Following a brief safety warning, we lined up for entry. I was grouped with a young couple.


Stitch Factory Farms - Haunted House - Hazel Green AL


We climbed a short flight of stairs onto what might be a flatbed trailer. This haunt was the most oddly constructed location I’ve seen, meshing perfectly with the ‘factory farm’ in its name. In addition to the possible trailer, we encountered walls of pallets, corrugated steel, chain link fence, and two derelict vehicles effectively used as part of the trail. The safety warning specifically addressed shoes, and with good reason. The trail is padded in places with cushions, old carpet padding, and similar soft spots to land. It can be treacherous to walk on, so do what the nice lady says and put on some sneakers or other closed toe flat shoes before you arrive.

Stitch Factory Farms is actor driven. We encountered two props along the way, a chainsaw and another scare that I won’t spoil because it was a fun one-two ‘punch’ delivered with an actor. Many of the scares were accompanied by loud knocking against those tin walls. Along the way we encountered about ten scares, including a jack-in-the-box, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, a nun with a skull splitting scream, and the chainsaw.


Stitch Factory Farms - Haunted House - Hazel Green AL


The chainsaw scene was the favorite of my haunt companions, combining the maniac with the two busted cars for a prolonged, physical scene. The trail exited into a patch of corn that was unoccupied, at least for now.

One of the showrunners promised even more actors in the future.

For more information about Stitch Factory Farms, checkout their Facebook page and their website. For information about similar events, check out our Event Calendar.



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