Factory defect - Mad Scientist Halloween Yard Display Haunt Horror


Created by a special FX artist and a set designer, Factory Defect is a semi-intense yard display in Van Nuys featuring a mad scientist and several of his creepy creations.

  • Located at: 7057 Lasaine Ave., Van Nuys CA
  • Yard display
  • 15 minutes
  • Ages 13+
  • Little gore; intense props; lights & fog; no animatronics; hazardous and toxic narrative with a mad scientist;
  • A few weeks in October

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More on Factory Defect

On the more intense end of the yard display spectrum – but not too gory – is Factory Defect, created and displayed by a special effects artist and a set designer. Using their expertise, the creators have decorated their front yard to loosely tell of a toxic hazard wreaking havoc on the humans and animals in proximity. Although the theming isn’t 100% cohesive throughout their display – mad scientists perform experiments next to a de-limbed torso on a pike, zombies emerging from their graves, and a three-headed wolf-dog – it surely is impressive. Horror fans will get a kick out of the quality and macabre decorations as well as the multi-colored lighting, and if guests visit closer to Halloween, they can look forward to a 7-foot-tall demon statue (lovingly named Brutus) that is simply stunning.




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