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I Pledge Allegiance Combines Politics and Necromancy (Review)

I Pledge Allegiance begins ominously, in a pitch black hallway. While downtown Los Angeles bustles just outside the heavy door, a dozen or so unsuspecting patrons awkwardly sign waivers and fill the silence with half-hearted chuckles. A stone-faced security guard looks on, unamused at first, then impatient, then outright hostile. The tension is palpable. And […]

i pledge allegiance horror immersive escape room politics los angeles tristan wells chris levan

I Pledge Allegiance Crafts a Politically-Tinged Horror Experience

No matter what your political leaning is, the 2016 presidential election remains fresh in the minds of many Americans. Rife with controversy, the election and ensuing socio-political landscape have become a fertile breeding ground for modern horror, influencing everything from Jordan Peele’s sleeper hit Get Out to the most recent season of American Horror Story. […]

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