Kidnap Solutions Creep Kidnapped Ransom Taken Hostage Immersive

Kidnap Solutions Interview – Immersive Therapy For What Ails You

Looking for a thrill? Ever wondered what it would be like to disappear? Do you want to enter the world of a high-stakes, dangerous real-life abduction? Kidnap Solutions may be the cure for what ails you!

Kidnap Solutions Creep Kidnapped Ransom Taken Hostage Immersive

This company screams legitimate! From their high-quality video to their beautiful website, I know I’d trust Kidnap Solutions LLC with all my kidnapping needs. Sign up, get taken right off the street, and driven to their undisclosed location. From here, you may be restrained, gagged, abused verbally, or waterboarded/tazed (upon request). But make sure you realize, there are no bathroom breaks! This is serious.

Whatever your needs are, they can accommodate.

Kidnap Solutions Creep Kidnapped Ransom Taken Hostage Immersive

We had the pleasure of sitting down with founder of Kidnap Solutions LLC, Ray Moody. We asked him five hard-hitting questions and got down to the real issues. Keep reading for our interview!

1.      Kidnap Solutions sounds like a much needed service in the Los Angeles area. So many of us seek thrills or suffer from problems that you could assist with. What inspired you to start this solutions system?

I was inspired by a deep-set passion for interactive theater, as well as a belief that many consumers are always looking for the next big thrill! What we’re offering here is an innovative, one-of-a-kind approach to overcoming the mundanity of a humdrum life, and a LEGITIMATE means of combating various addictions.

2.      Hostage Inc and Ransom Co are two popular kidnapping services in Europe currently. What differentiates you from those and other kidnapping services out there?

I am not currently familiar with any other “takes” on our unique brand. I will look into this ASAP.

3.      Regarding the experience itself, how long do you plan for each session to take place? Will we have a safe word to end the experience if it ever becomes too intense?

We generally offer an eight-hour, full-service simulation for the low cost of $300. Safe words are optional but certainly encouraged. We tend to get into some pretty crazy stuff!

4.      You mention we will be grilled, pressed, and tortured until you get what you need. What exactly do you need?

The objective of each simulation is different and personalized to our client’s needs and/or background. Are you familiar with the term “MacGuffin”?

5.      Movies like Creep warn us that answering an ad or website could turn into something more sinister. Why should we trust you?

I am not familiar with that film, nor am I aware of its filmmakers. They sound like jackasses. I come highly recommended and have been written up in very reputable outlets like the NY Times and many others.

Kidnap Solutions Creep Kidnapped Ransom Taken Hostage Immersive

So if that doesn’t sell you, I don’t know what will. This is a high-class, high-credibility, and high-danger company. Email or call Kidnap Solutions today!

A huge thank you to Bryan Bishop for bringing this to our attention! Thank you!

About The Author

Taylor Winters
Taylor has loved immersive theater since his first experience at ALONE in 2013. Since then, he has written, produced, & directed immersive theater, consulted for numerous immersive companies, acted in others, and attended even more. He has his PhD in Bioengineering, an MBA in Organization Leadership, and currently works fixing broken hearts.


  • Kendra on March 14, 2017

    This man is nothing but trouble.

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