Hauntington Beach Manor’s Followers of Pythia is a Dark Labyrinth through your Mind

Hauntington Beach Manor's Followers of Pythia What can be scarier than the inside of your mind? Than the weight of having to step forward to seize your future? Than the inner demons that hide in the sulci of the mind? Well, Hauntington Beach Manor asked that question too and has created Followers of Pythia a [...]
Hauntington Beach Manor - Midnight Shadows - Haunted House - Westminster CA

Hauntington Beach Manor’s Midnight Shadows is a Must See Live Ghost Capture with Great Effects

We need your help. The ghost of a little girl haunts the grounds of what was one the Little Hope orphanage. And while the site has been rebuilt, fires start mysteriously, and death is always just a door away. But tonight, The Midnight Society will attempt to enter the site and use your spiritual energy [...]

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