Fearless Books To Read If You Want To Chase Your Fears Away

As human beings, we are full of fears. We may fear our future as well as our past that brought us traumatizing experiences. Unfortunately, fears make us weak and steal our happy lives. So if you want to enjoy everything you have, you should get rid of your fears. How to do it? You can read about it in the books listed below. But before that, let’s discuss what students can do to beat their academic fears.


Dealing with student fears 

Probably, one of the biggest nightmare of every student is failing a course. Imagine, investing tons of time and energy into a college program and then failing your final exam. Sounds quite discouraging, isn’t it?

However, there is a solution that can increase your chances for finishing a course with flying colors. Before writing your college assignment, you can check some free samples of it on the web. Believe it or not, just choosing essay examples about fear or any other topic can help you complete your paper much faster and better. Many students already know about this lifehack, but not many of them use it. So why not try it yourself if you want to have less fear about the quality of your homework and teacher’s grades?


Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers

The book “Feel the fear and do it anyway” by Susan Jeffers is a great read for anyone looking to overcome their fears. The book’s central premise is that fear is usually based on irrational thoughts and that by confronting those fears, people can overcome them. The book offers coping mechanisms to change the way people think about their fears, such as turning negative thinking into positive thinking and providing concrete examples of how others have faced them. This can be an invaluable tool for those struggling to find the courage to face their fears. 

This book is an empowering read that can inspire people to take control of their lives and conquer their fears. As a self-help book, it changes the reader’s perspective and gives new techniques to handle anxiety and other emotions. It is an excellent pick for anyone who wants to improve their emotional intelligence and feel more empowered in their lives.

The main takeaway from the book “Feel the fear and do it anyway” by Susan Jeffers is that it is essential to face your fears and not let them control your life. The book provides techniques and strategies for overcoming fear, such as acknowledging the fear, breathing through it, and taking action. Overall, the book is a helpful guide for anyone looking to overcome their fears and take control of their life.


I Will Not Fear by Mark DeJesus

I Will Not Fear is a self-help book written by Mark DeJesus published in 2018. It motivates us to stop living in fear and live a liberating and carefree life without any mental stress. This work will certainly change the way you view stress, anxiety and worry. It provides a very practical yet spiritual perspective to breaking the spirit of fear from your life.

In I Will Not Fear, you will learn strategies to overcome fear in practical, yet powerful ways. The content is divided into 28 chapters with inspiring titles to describe different types of fear and strategies to beat the fear and adversities linked with it.

This book is a must read for those who struggle with anxiety and fear. It is a well-written, Biblical and truly helpful guide for those who suffer from different types of fear.

Mark DeJesus, the author, really understands the subject matter both from his personal experience and also from years of counseling others. This book is set up in an easy way to read with concise chapters for 28 days.The author hits on so many great and impressive points about the cause of fear in our lives and how to overcome it.



Brave Enough by Nicole Unice

Are you the person whose fears are holding him back from becoming the best self version? Are you the one who is stressing the day by thinking about how to overcome the fears? If you are the one, you should read the book “Brave Enough” written by Nicole Unice.

Bravery does not mean that you have to come out of your comfort zone. Bravery means you have to live your life confidently with relaxed shoulders. You should live free from weight responsibilities and the burden of working too hard. 

In the book, the author wants you to know the reality of life. In different places, she challenged her readers to know about where you stand and what things you feel too scared to change in your life. By throwing light on her practical experiences and personal stories, Nicole led her readers and followers to harness all their fears, misspent doubts, and concerns. She explained what God is saying about you, who you are and who you can be. 

This book is an invitation for people to open their eyes to the opportunities that God has placed for them. It is an inspiring book full of real-life experiences that will encourage people to live confidently and courageously. It also includes quizzes, reflections, and other practical applications to facilitate the changes.


The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga

Our emotions are manufactured by us, we choose to experience them. This perspective is contrary to what we might read in a general-interest publication.

The Courage to Be Disliked is a book that offers a unique perspective on the question of what it means to be happy. The book argues that we are all free to determine our own future and have the power within ourselves to become our best, truest selves. The authors explain how we are able to unlock this power by understanding the theories of Alfred Adler, one of the giants of 19th-century psychology alongside Freud and Jung.

They begin by explaining how many people feel like they are not good enough or do not fit in with others because of the way they were raised in an environment with wrong standards. Then describe how these perceptions can cause us to feel insecure about ourselves and how this insecurity can prevent us from being our best selves. The book concludes with the concept of happiness being subjective and difficult to quantify, but if you feel that you are useful to something or someone else, then you are happy and the pursuit of that feeling of contribution is the pursuit of happiness.


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About The Author

Brandon Kryeger
Brandon Kryeger is a writer, movie critic and amateur director. Cinematography is his passion, so Brandon does his best to make it part of his life. He writes great movie reviews for popular online magazines, so readers can know what’s worth watching in their free time.

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