Why Youth Find Stories About Maniacs So Appealing

You may not like reading books, but when you see a piece of prose about any maniac or serial killer, you immediately fall in love with reading. However, if we try to think about it, we’ll conclude that it’s strange: maniacs are dangerous, they’ve killed dozens and even hundreds of people. The only feeling they should cause is fear, but we all are fascinated with them. True crime and serial killers have always been popular, and it’s not surprising that their popularity is growing every year. People who are against youth’s fascination with maniacs blame pop culture for undue attention to this category of people. However, we think that studying the nature of serial killers and learning more about their behavior can help young people detect potentially dangerous individuals within their network.

But quite often, the books about serial killers are based on lies. There had been many scandals around the serial-killer experts, who admitted they used fabricated facts in their books. But even these issues don’t stop youth from purchasing more and more books devoted to true crime, watching all TV series and movies on this topic, and even studying scientific literature. If you belong to serial killer fans and are even ready to skip classes in school or college, you certainly should read this article till the end. Don’t be afraid that we’ll blame people for their fascination with maniacs. We just want to find out the reasons for this topic’s popularity.

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1.  We hear about criminals every day

Those people who blame books and movies for the popularization of serial killers should turn on their TV and see at least one news report. None of them can do without discussing another murder committed this week. We don’t exaggerate: mass media play an important role in making maniacs and serial killers famous and popular. On the other hand, we can’t avoid it because a new report presupposes telling people about all recent events, even the negative ones. We don’t say it’s bad, but we do describe one of the reasons why all people are obsessed with learning more about criminals. Even though the article’s topic focuses on youth, people of all ages are interested in it.

2.  It’s okay to be fascinated with maniacs

It may sound weird for most people, but psychologists state that it’s a sign of a mentally healthy person. Yes, you got it right; the interest in mentally ill people shows that you’re okay. If you’re interested in scientific explanations, we advise you to find some interviews with famous psychologists or therapists who discuss this topic. If you like reading about maniacs, you’ll certainly like reading about the reasons for fascination with criminals, so some psychology books can also come to aid.

3.  Maniacs appeal to our survival instinct

We shouldn’t ignore our nature: people are often driven by instincts like animals. When we read stories about what serial killers did to people, we shock ourselves, imagine that we can become victims, and start feeling scared. It’s hard to understand why we need to shock ourselves sometimes, but it’s certainly the one aspect that attracts us in crime stories.

4.  We love scary stories

Children, teens, and adults love everything that relates to evil. True crime books are more than just the dry description of murders. Writers usually give us many details and present them the way we feel scared of this or that bloodthirsty murderer. It increases the hormone output and makes us fascinated. Let’s not forget about the eternal confrontation of good and evil that we have been told since childhood. No wonder that we grow up and remain interested in evil. Adults always teach children to oppose evil, but first of all, young people should understand what is evil.

5.  People don’t understand their behavior

Serial killers often don’t have any specific reason to kill people; they aren’t jealous or raging. Well, the motive is absent (but not in 90% of cases). We will hardly face any serial killer, but still can feel a potential victim of them, and delving into this culture is a way to get acquainted with maniacs’ behavior and understand their motives if there are any. Everything that is beyond our understanding attracts us, and serial killers aren’t an exception. So we read about them in an attempt to understand their nature.

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