popcorn movie in bed

Scary Iconic Films To Watch In School

5 Classic Horror Movies to Watch on Your Dorm Movie Night

Movie nights in school are a great way to spend time with friends and unwind from a stressful academic schedule. To develop consistency, it’s a good idea to let everyone in the friend group have the chance to host a movie night, which keeps things interesting.

Your turn might be coming up, and you’re probably wondering what makes for a good experience. Here are a few things to keep in mind when hosting:

  • Snacks
  • Location
  • Atmosphere
  • Seating
  • The perfect movie

Everything listed is easy to handle, although selecting the right film takes more time, particularly if it’s a horror-themed night. In addition, it’s best to hire an essay helper so you can enjoy watching the film without worrying about schoolwork. So, which movie should you select?

Here are a few classic horror films you can watch with your friends.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)


Freddy Kreuger - Nightmare on Elm Street


A group of unsuspecting teenagers is faced with a horrific situation when an evil figure begins to hunt them down in their dreams, which leads to their death in reality. Nancy investigates and soon suspects that her parents and her friends’ parents are keeping a shocking secret that could be the key to bringing the murders to an end. Nancy and her boyfriend, Glen, work against the clock to try and solve the mystery before it’s too late.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

On their way to investigate claims that their father’s grave has been vandalized, Sally, her brother Franklin and their friends decide to stop over at their family’s farmhouse. Chaos ensues as they are confronted by a group of murderers living next door.

This classic will have you on the edge of your seat. Check out the best online essay writing services reviews to have your assignments taken care of so you don’t miss a beat. You won’t believe what happens next.

The group is attacked by a man wielding a chainsaw, wearing a mask made of human skin called Leatherface. As members of the group are taken down, the survivors realize they have to do everything possible to fight for their lives and escape.

Jaws (1975)

Residents of Amity, a small, quiet island, are sent into a panic when a young woman has a fatal encounter with a shark. Police chief Martin Brody’s first instinct is to close the beaches, but the mayor is adamant and insists they are kept open. He fears the town will experience an economic downturn from losing tourists.

Without a doubt, Jaws is a classic film that birthed modern-day shark attack films. You wouldn’t want anything else on your plate while watching this iconic movie. Hence, work with the best research paper writing services to have your coursework handled by an experienced writer. It’ll be worth it since the plotline continues with an unfortunate event.

Shortly after, the shark claims another victim. Matt Hooper, a marine scientist, and ship captain, Quint, offer to help Brody capture the shark. What follows is a battle of wills between man and beast.

The Exorcist (1973)

In this harrowing tale, a mother is puzzled when her daughter starts to act strange. She tries to seek medical help for her child but it bears no fruit. A local priest is convinced that the girl is possessed by an evil entity and asks to perform an exorcism. A fellow priest joins him, and the pair try their best to help the girl.

Scream (1996)

Scream Mask - Ghost Face
A killer inspired by horror films to taunt and viciously kill victims seemingly targets teenage girl Sidney and her friends. Sidney suspects these murders could be connected to her mom’s murder the previous year and sets out to uncover the killer.

Final Thoughts

Finding the best film for movie night can be challenging, especially when you want to make it memorable. There are many options to choose from, which can get overwhelming. Luckily, the list above mentions some of the most iconic horror movies in history. You’ll have everyone on the edge of their seats with these picks. 


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