5 Most Atmospheric Christmas Horrors

Christmas is the most magical time of the year. Watching some movies, you feel like you’re in a fairytale. However, others make you disgusted. So, it’s like a live roulette Canada: you never know where your luck brings you. Don’t want to get dissatisfied with your movie choice? Here are the best Christmas horrors to watch on Christmas Eve.


Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)

A classic slasher about a boy who, while visiting his mentally ill grandfather, heard horror stories about Santa Claus and started hating him with all his heart. While returning home, the family is attacked by a criminal dressed as the famous old man, and the boy goes completely insane.

Gremlins (1984)

It’s a movie about a strange creature called a mogwai, bought on Christmas Eve from an old Chinese man’s antique shop. If this creature is sprinkled with water or fed after midnight, it turns into a vicious monster, Gremlin.

Anna and the Apocalypse (2017)

While Anna is going through a quarrel with her father, monsters appear in the empty British streets: they devour everyone in their path and separate loved ones on the one day of the year when everyone forgets about the wrongs and meet the holiday together.

Krampus (2015)

We know that Santa Claus only gives presents to children who have behaved approximately all year. But shouldn’t someone come to the mischievous kids at Christmas, too? And he comes – the evil demon Krampus, whose job is to punish naughty children.

Better Watch Out (2016)

This comedic horror successfully combines the Christmas atmosphere with the clichés of classic horror movies about stalker maniacs. On Christmas Eve, Luke, a twelve-year-old boy suffering from schizophrenia, stays with his nanny, Ashley, whom he has long been in love with. When a masked stranger tries to break into the house, Ashley goes to great lengths to protect her ward.

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