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Tutor John W of DoMyEssay Names Top 5 Horror Movies About College for Students to Watch

5 Best Horror Movies Set in College

When you are in college, watching a good movie is a great way to unwind, relax, or spend time with your friends. Choosing the right film for their movie nights, many students pick horrors. According to surveys, this genre turns out to be one of the students’ favorites, mostly because it helps young people feel the adrenaline rush and experience new emotions.

If you are also a fan of horror, you’ve landed on the right page. In this article, we’ve gathered some of the all-time best horror movies set in college that you will definitely want to watch during your movie night. So find yourself a professional academic helper to write an essay for you or help you with other assignments and save you time. Stock up on popcorn, and choose one of these movies to watch now!


1. Scream 2 (1997)

Scream is a classic and one of the best horror slasher franchise movies of all time. While the first movie is set in high school, the second one follows the survivors of Scream to college. In the film, the main character, Sidney, becomes a murderer’s target again. The new murderer wears the same mask as in the first movie and follows many of his patterns, which adds more mystery to this film.

Without any doubt, Scream 2 is worth watching. But if you want to experience this great franchise to the fullest, be sure to add all Scream movies to your collection and make a movie party with your friends. Feel free to delegate your current assignments to professional paper writers so that you can enjoy your night fully. Check out DoMyEssay reviews to find the perfect academic helper for yourself!


2. Happy Death Day (2017)

While Scream is a standard “serial killer” type of movie, the next film on our list is very different. Happy Death Day is a horror comedy. The main character in this movie, a young college student, Theresa, gets trapped in a Groundhog Day-style time loop. She is forced to repeat the same day over and over again. By the end of every day, she dies or gets killed by a masked murderer, and the only way to break out of this vicious circle is to figure out who is attempting to kill the girl. The plot is thrilling and terrifying. But at the same time, it’s one of the best dark comedies that we’ve seen in recent years.


3. American Psycho 2 (2002)

The original American Psycho, starring Christian Bale, is a classic story about a successful investment banker who leads a double life as a psycho serial killer. American Psycho 2: All American Girl is a slasher sequel to the original film. The movie tells a story of a criminology student, Rachel, played by Mila Kunis. When she was a 12-year-old girl, Rachel’s babysitter was dating and eventually got killed by the original movie’s character Patrick Bateman. The girl kills the serial killer and makes a decision to join the FBI and fight criminals like Bateman. However, to achieve this goal, Rachel is ready to do literally anything, even kill her peer competitors.


4. Black Christmas (1974)

The next horror movie set in college is Black Christmas. The first film was released in 1974 and was originally called Silent Night, Evil Night. At the heart of the plot, there is a group of sorority girls who are enjoying their Christmas break but only until they become stalked by a stranger. Although this film is pretty old, many specialists recommend watching the original piece in particular. However, if you are not a huge fan of old films, there are three modern remakes of this film released in 2006, 2019, and 2021.


5. Urban Legend (1998)

This might not be the most popular horror movie set in college. Urban Legend was released in 1998. The film was directed by Jamie Blanks and featured stars such as Jared Leto, Alicia Witt, Michael Rosenbaum, and Rebecca Gayheart. The plot picks up the pace by showing a series of bizarre deaths. After these deaths take place, a college student starts suspecting that each of them is connected to a specific urban legend of their area. This is a nice, thrilling horror to watch on the weekend.


The Bottom Line

The college has always been a popular stage for horror movies. There are dozens of films that feature students that you can relate to, and now you have a list of the best ones. Be sure to see each of these films during your movie nights!



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