Why Immersive Theater is Interesting for Students

We tend to believe that there is a single dimension of reality, forever bound. But the piercing emotion that arises with our encounter with anything real suggests that it is somewhere in between, amid the vast expanse of possible outcomes where multiple or even opposing realities coexist.

By urging the audience to participate in the here-and-now performance, imagining the course of events together with actors, immersive theater ​stems from the same belief; that reality drifts in the space of possibilities in the perpetual enacting of Stanislavsky’s magic IF.

Immersive theater is an experience that no student should ignore. Join us as we dive deep into the potency of the adventure to nurture imagination, creativity, and excitement that can help you excel at college and beyond.

What Is Immersive Theater?

In classic theater, the audience is a passive observer whose presence doesn’t affect the flow of the narrative. In an immersive event, the audience becomes an integral part of the show; as the fourth wall dissolves, all attendees actively interact with the artists to bring the play to life. The level of interaction can vary from minimal to highly interactive, yet the idea is always the same: the immersive experience calls on the audience to enrich the experience with their fantasies, passions, and fears.

Immersive horror is one of the most popular experiences among college students. The thrill of being startled, of stirring emotions most deeply buried, is turning more and more participants into avid fans of the genre. The reason so many ghosts populate plays might be owing to the certain inherent ghostliness of theater. A person(life) and a character(acting) are separate and not separate at the same time. It’s strangely lucid the way this ghostliness generates intensity and joy.

Acting as Fantasy

What is specific to the immersive theater is the dynamism of life and acting it creates: acting to orient oneself in living, and living to orient oneself in acting, and then things get blurred and beautiful. The underlying vision of reality that marks this form of theater is quite liberating as it allows the audience to contemplate a multiplicity of reals while fine-tuning acting elements to co-create narratives. ​Truth becomes not a substantiality but rather a sensation.

Augusto Boal says that it is exactly this dichotomization, the breach between the character and actor, a constant self-reflection that allows the theater to exist. Immersive theater burns with the fire of spontaneity and impulsivity, ​in contrast to cinematic space, which is directed by the unifying gaze of the camera and predetermined storylines. As a student, you are constantly polishing your academic skills, be it consulting the best essay writing services letsgradeit.com to nail your writing game or spending endless hours in a library to nurture your creative acumen. Participating in an immersive theater can help you foster a creative mind to which no assignment is undoable.

Acting as Essence

Playing is always serious; it is not dead seriousness, but rather a kind of frivolous one. Immersive theater generates intensity, urging the audience to perceive that weightless force, aligning the frequencies to create one version of the real. “You don’t enter a character; a character grows out of you,” writes Boal. This experience is what breathes life into acting and also why students should visit theatres. This is a particularly interesting view of acting, as it puts it in the cycle of life. Participating in the strangely authentic experience lets you feel the electricity of impromptu acting and the life that trembles in it.

Immersive theater doesn’t aim at concrete realism and doesn’t try to make grown-ups from kids. It exists to enliven and inspire, to create a space for transcendence.

The Way Forward

Many pagan societies stage their creation myths and build ships that are later dismembered, believing that staging the beginning of the world will sustain its existence and renew life. A pagan knows that he is performing, but he also believes that he is influencing the fabric of the universe, directing it. The immersive theater provides a similar space for exploring different layers of reality in the comfort of fantasy. Wouldn’t it be a pity if you didn’t give this marvelous experience a try?




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About The Author

Eric Wyatt
Eric Wyatt is a student support specialist and blogger. For years, he has worked with young people to help them tackle mental distress and excel at college. As a blogger, Eric covers a wide range of topics from education and technology to fashion and arts.

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