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ZJU’s DAD Delivers Immersive Terror and Fun
After nine long months, your wife finally goes into labor. Everything has led up to this moment. Your family is about to be complete. But tragedy strikes as soon as you walk into the operating room, and everything becomes chaos from there. It is now up to you to raise your new addition on your […]
Together Again is a Twisted Time Warp to the Best Party in Town
When you picture those halcyon days of the late 80s, what comes to mind? And don’t say “those weren’t halcyon days.” Shh, go with me here, I looked the word up in a dictionary and everything. Now that that’s out of the ways, if your answer wasn’t “a Vegas-themed casino party for donors and employees […]
Zombie Joe’s Underground – “Urban Death: Tour of Terror” 2017 Review
As I enter the theater for 2017’s Urban Death: Tour of Terror, I see a slight woman standing in the center of the stage. She looks (surprisingly) rather beautiful: dressed in a gown that is elegant but not gaudy, and lacking the apparent ghoulishness that we expect from characters in most Zombie Joe’s Underground (ZJU) […]
Zombie Joe’s Underground – “Blood Alley 3” Transports and Traumatizes
Zombie Joe’s Underground – Urban Death Successfully Defies Genres
In the darkness, we hear a tapestry of sounds: the indistinct chatter of children, the slamming of locker doors, the scuffing of sneakers on linoleum tile. It’s a cacophony immediately recognizable to anyone who has ever spent time in the halls of an American public school. As the lights come up we see a lone […]