DreamWorks | How to Train Your Dragon | Flight Academy

DreamWorks Dragons Flight Academy – A VR Immersive Experience that Soars

Be honest: You want a dragon. dragons flight academy   Who doesn’t? Ever since the first concept of scaly, fire-breathing, winged beasts who fly through the air and eat… well, whatever they want, humans have been terrified and enthralled by the mythical creatures. It’s one of the reasons why the DreamWorks’ How to Train Your […]

Dreamscape Immersive's Virtual Reality experiences alien zoo the blu deep rescue magic projector the lost pearl

Dreamscape Immersive Takes Virtual Reality to a Whole New Level

Tucked away inside of Westfield Century City, worlds of wonders await the adventurous. Guarding the gates of a large theater are giant statues of Frogcats, large bumpy-backed blue and pink lizard creatures, posed upon rocks in the outdoor mall’s walkway. Upon entering Dreamscape Immersive’s storefront, I am guided to tablets to receive my ticket; surprisingly, […]

wisdome los angeles la downtown dtla immersive art projection virtual reality 360 samskara

Wisdome LA Brings Immersive Art to Downtown Los Angeles

Imagine walking inside a Tool album cover like the ones designed by Alex Grey: all hypercolor and shamanism and replications of replications of replications of images stretching infinitely into a distant horizon. This is how it feels to step into Wisdome Los Angeles, a “fully immersive entertainment art park” that has recently set up shop in […]

Chained VR

Chained Perfectly Blends Virtual Reality & Immersive Theater in this Classic Tale

Some stories resonate so strongly with our culture that their narrative becomes inextricably intertwined with it. The story of a miser that learns the true meaning of Christmas after three ghostly visitors review his past and foretell his future has been adapted in twenty-eight different film versions dating back to 1901, as well as numerous […]

jack the ripper vr wax house hollow zone interactive mountasia virtual reality santa clarita

Hollow Zone Brings Jack the Ripper to Life with Wax House VR

Mixed reality experiences are becoming more and more popular, with companies like The Void (Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire, Nicodemus: Demon of Evanishment) and Pure Imagination (Alien: Descent) immersing guests more fully than even virtual reality previously could. Hollow Zone Immersive takes cues from those companies and provides an eerie mystery with Wax House: […]

Los Angeles, Halloween, Haunt, Guide, 2018

Los Angeles Halloween Season 2018 Haunt Guide

Los Angeles' Haunt community is growing larger every year. We have become known as one of the world's best Halloween destinations due to the impressive array of events popping up left and right.  To help you make the most out of your haunt season, we have put together a Halloween Haunt Guide. Below you will [...]
Two Bit Circus Micro-Amusement Park Arcade

Two Bit Circus is a Whimsical Exploration of Intertwining Physical & Technological Entertainment

In September, downtown Los Angeles will be home to a 50,000-square-foot indoor theme park: Two Bit Circus! This ambitious and innovative undertaking began when the creators were tired of making experiences for one-time events like Comic-Con, only to have to dispose of them afterward. What if, instead of filling a dumpster, they could fill imaginations […]

Dark Corner Studios - Catatonic - Mule - Virtual Reality - VR - Guy Shelmerdine

Dark Corner Studios Releases Three Stunning New Virtual Reality Experiences

March 28th sees leading genre Virtual Reality studio Dark Corner releasing not one, but three new cinematic VR experiences, including Guy Shelmerdine’s notorious “Mule”, the indie thriller “Deerbrook”, and the Russian historical drama “Spacewalker”. These will be available on Oculus Rift, Samsung GearVR, and Google Daydream headsets; as well as on Android and iOS mobile, exclusively […]

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