Kansas Collection - Portal | Speakeasy Society

The Speakeasy Society’s The Portal is a Fitting Conclusion to The Kansas Collection

A lanky, ginger-haired man in an olive jumpsuit enters the room. He surveys the location suspiciously, but luckily, he doesn’t notice me – hidden safely behind a couch. He moves to the window and looks out, leaving his back exposed. I’m not the only one to recognize this weakness: Nick Chopper, The Tin Man, springs […]

kansas colleciton, speakeasy society, oscar diggs, the slippers

The Winds of War: A Recollection of the Kansas Collection, Ch. 8: The Slippers

The following is a full-spoiler walkthrough for The Slippers, the eighth installment in The Speakeasy Society’s Kansas Collection series. These chapters are not expected to remount soon, so feel free to read on if you’ve missed this performance, and read our review here.     Oscar Diggs looks tired. The case he carries seems to […]

Speakeasy Society, immersive theatre, non horror, kansas, wizard of oz, the heart, los angeles, theatre

Only Consequences: The Speakeasy Society Shines in The Heart

Dorothea Gale, the Witch-Killer, is missing.  That’s what the messages from Oz said; she’s missing, presumed kidnapped, and she’s somewhere here, in Kansas, and it’s up to us to rescue her.  Fans of The Speakeasy Society’s work thus far will know that, well, we’re not in Kansas, we’re here in Los Angeles, and this new […]

speakeasy society, the witch, glinda, natalie fryman, matthew bamberg-johnson, chynna skye, kansas collection, immersive theatre, non-horror

The Speakeasy Society Explores Regret and Revenge in “The Witch”

The following is a review of The Speakeasy Society’s The Witch, with very minor spoilers throughout.  All photos courtesy of Model05 Productions. witch   It seems like it was just last month that I was sitting in a creaky church pew, watching The Speakeasy Society’s The Vow come to an anticipated, but nonetheless shocking cliffhanger.  It […]

Kansas Collection, Speakeasy Society, the Vow, immersive theatre, sandbox style, sandbox, wizard of oz, dorothy, scarecrow, ozma, fantasy, non-horror

A Storm Breaks: A Recollection of ALL Tracks in The Speakeasy Society’s The Vow

Below is recollection of The Speakeasy Society’s The Vow. This is a full spoiler walkthrough. As there were four main faction-driven tracks for this experience, the overall experience will be recollected through a Blue (Revolt) lens, with diverging sections denoted by a colored title. Again, this is a review of ALL tracks in The Vow; […]

Speakeasy Invitation

The Speakeasy Society – An “Invitation” Accepted and a Hard Choice Made

Are you ready to face the storm?   Steeped in powerful metaphor, The Speakeasy Society’s latest installment of their The Kansas Collection series, The Invitation, continues to play on the productions’ strength in casting and storytelling.  This installment also introduced a greater sense of audience agency and honest interaction between participants, the actors, and the […]

Haunting Haunting.net Immersive Theater the key speakeasy society

Speakeasy Society – The Key

There are different worlds that exist.  Didn’t you know? Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Chapter 1 of The Key There are different worlds that exist.  Didn’t you know?  Perhaps you thought we were the only ones to occupy this universe.  But, this past weekend, the winds brought in an opportunity to experience one of [...]

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