Stay on the Line | Waiting | Whatever Shapes the Devils Take

Chicago’s Stay on the Line Makes WAITING Worth the Trip

Stay on the Line’s third season is billed as a 20-minute, single-audience member, immersive theater experience broken into two separate “plays,” with each ticketholder experiencing two of nine possible plays. Having attended their 2018 offering, I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to invite creators/performers Nicole Faust, Whitney LaMora, and Emily Sharp to play […]

horrorland scream park spain barcelona halloween horror haunt haunted house

Barcelona’s Horrorland 2019 Turns a Defunct Nuclear Plant into a Factory of Screams

We had long left the city of Barcelona behind. Winding roads carving through mountain terrain, snowy peaks in the distance, a distinct chill in the air. One more hairpin corner, and suddenly we are confronted with an imposing cooling tower, once part of a functioning hillside nuclear plant. Now part of Horrorland 2019, this tower […]

Nightmare - Project Sandman | Fear Experiment

Nightmare by The Fear Experiment – I Can Do This In My Sleep – A Recollection

This is part of Haunting’s Recollection series – it is a complete account of Nightmare by The Fear Experiment. It contains full spoilers and is intended for readers who have attended or could not attend the show, or are curious about this creator’s work.     “Are you familiar with the concept of lucid dreaming, […]

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